More Formspring Q&A
Here are a few more Questions and Answers from Formspring. I will probably only keep this open through New Years, so if you wanted to ask me something, now is the time. There are enough questions building up to keep me busy for quite some time.
I have. The issue however is not really whether the being is eastern or western, or even enlightened or not. The issue is emptiness.
If you do a Tibetan sadhana and do not first dissolve the awareness of self, than arise from that into the awareness of the Yidam, you are simply doing what in the west is called “taking on a god form”. It will yield a very different experience. Continued practice will yield a sort of melding or possession between the spirit and your ego. This is fine and all, but it is not Tantra. If however you decide that Hekate IS enlightened and you approach her through her and your own innate emptiness you may very well be doing tantra.
That is of course just my opinion. A hard core Buddhist would disagree.
There is one for Mercury that I gave out to members of my course. I am releasing all the seals early in 2013 as part of my first e-chapbook.
Please write me at and I will be happy to release the seal to you early.
Meditate so that you can differentiate between the voice of the spirits and the activity of your own mind.
Make further offerings to deepen the connection.
Learn and practice the gazes from TSS.
Enroll in the Strategic Sorcery Course for even more methods
I love Heathenism. Though I am not active in the community, the runes are in my blood, and speak to me. i am particularly drawn to the Heathenism of Iceland.
I think it is great to apply Strategic Sorcery principals to Heathenism. Meditation may or may not have been traditional to it, but it will definitely add a new dimension to it, and deepen the connection with the gods. Offerings are most definitely a traditional part of it that sometimes gets forgotten – not just to the Gods, but to the elves and spirits of the land. The other principals of strategic sorcery are easily applied to Rune Magic and other Heathen practices.
Ves Heilsa!
I will at some point be releasing a chapbook on this exact topic. In the meantime you can check out my few paragraphs that Mike had me contribute to Abrasax.
Short answer: I love them and have just about read them all.
Long answer: I think that because I have been critical of the “its all in your head…” statement and the message of his “Christmas” song that people are under the impression that I don’t like DuQuette. Let me be clear: I do.
I think he has a gift for explaining complex problems and rituals in plain language. He is one of the best writers in the field. His explanations of how to do something are always crystal clear and applicable even if you disagree with his explanation of why it works. He also has all the signs of actually having walked the walk and done the work.