One Week Before The New Cycle of Strategic Sorcery and the Global Mercury Rite!!
I am so excited to get this Mercury Success Rite off the ground. When we get hundred of people all over the globe to chant the same chant and speal the same invocations there is a HUGE benefit to everyone that participates.
If you have been stuck for a long time, perhaps Mercury can help get you moving again.
If you are selling MERChandise, or in MERCantile, then Mercury is already you patron God.
If you need help moving spiritually up the ladder of Ascent, Mercury can give you wings.
If you are confused of want to sharpen your mind – Mercury can expand intelligence and aid in analysis.
If you are trapped and depressed and feel better off dead, perhaps Mercury can lead you out, as he does the souls of the dead.
If you are already successful and sleep every night on a pot of cash, Mercury can help move it around so that it multiplies exponentially.
In short, Mercury Rocks.
And so does the Strategic Sorcery Course.
52 Information-Dense lessons. On practical Magic. I have been posting testimonials and comments for students over last few weeks so I will limit it to three snippets:
“Jason has given one if the best set of instructions I have seen on astral projection. Just follow his set of instructions and I bet you get it going in no time.” – BT
“I never thought I would land a job that paid six-figures, but the course helped me achieve it”. – CL
“It was your offering rituals that unlocked it for me. Not just the magic in your course, but everything I have done for 20 years before that.” – FG
Sign up for the course before 7/29 and you can take part in the Global Mercury rite to jump start your learning.
Write me at for more information or just click below to sign up!