Saint Sarah E Kali and Jesse Hathaway
A few weeks ago on the feast of Saint Sarah La Kali I wrote about her feast and celebration in France and how I was honoring her that morning at at the seaside as well.
What I did not say is that on that same day Jesse Hathaway of Wolf and Goat fame was washing and loading a statue of Saint Sarah that he brought up for me from Brazil. I purchased her amazing oil to go with it and it is fast becoming one of my go-to oils for serious divination.
Saint Sarah is closely linked to the Black Madonnas but there is a different twist to her mystery that relates more to the future than to the past. She can be petitioned for practical reasons, but I mostly relate to her for divinatory and mystical practice.
If you are considering working with Saint Sarah and want a strong boost for your practice, let me recommend the Oil from Wolf&Goat as well as hitting them up for a loaded statue. I know that many people know them for Troy’s incredible custom work, but they also load and consecrate traditional statues, something I am not sure many people know.
If you are shy about the price of the oil, keep in mind that the scroll that comes with is packed with pithy pieces of practical magic.