Saint’s Cyprian and Michael Protection Spell

Today is the feast of St Cyprian of Antioch. Friday is the feast of St Michael the Archangel. Here is a short protection spell that takes advantage of both days.
Starting on St Cyprians feast day, September 26th, and continuing for the following two days pray The Sorcerer’s Call to Saint Cyprian” followed by this prayer this three times each day. Once at dawn, once at twighlight, and once near midnight. Each time you do it, lay a piece of Devils Shoe String in the book that your St Cyprian holds. If you cannot fit them there, or if you don’t have a statue lay them in your favorite book of magic, or even the bible, in front of an image of Saint Cyprian.
By midnight on the 28th you should have 9 pieces of Devils Shoe String.
“In the name of the great and mighty power of God I invoke the sublime influence of St. Cyprian.
Master of Magic remove all spells worked against me and all bonds placed upon me. Protect me henceforth from any and all curses, bindings, or snares of sorcery.
Oh St Cyprian, you who knows all works of magic well, take hold of all spells set against me and all that ever will. Through your superior power, bind the spirits and send them back to those that sent them, delivering three times the harm they intended for me.
Confuse and confound all who would work against me. Confound them in their coming and in their going, in their leaving and in their returning. Cloud their minds and make blind their eyes, that they may no longer understand magical texts, and their spells become nothing more than empty words spoken into fog and shadow.”
On the morning of the 29th, the feast of St Michael. take the 9 pieces of Devils shoe string and weave them together into a circle. If you can’t create one out of the just the twigs, you can use a red thread to bind them into circle.
Place the ring around a statue of St Michael (Or under a photo or some other image) and pray the Prayer of Str Michael the Archangel three times.
As the sun sets take the Devil’s Shoe String Ring and bury it on your property.
“On this day that St Michael defeated the Devil and cast him out of heaven, so too will all spells and snared against me be cast to the ground and caught in this trap. Whatever St Cyprian has not defeated through magic and guile, St Michael shall defeat with his sword and spear.
A Diabolic Alternative…
As I have written in the past, there are those who honor the feast of St Michael as the day that Lucifer fell to earth as a sacrifice for freedom’s sake. Such practitioners might replace the St Michael prayer with the Spell of Devils Succor, then rather than bury the 9 pieces of devils shoe string, instead place them in a gallon of water and boil it down until at least half the water is gone. Then, after letting it cool, bathe in the water and pray the following spell of the Devils Armor.
“Dragon of Creation
Prince of the Powers of Air
Princeps Huius Mundi
Out of compassion you offered Christ the World because it was yours to give.
Lord of the world, Take the curses of my enemies and forge from them an ARMOR
You who loves freedom, Ensure my Freedom
You who remains unbowed, Ensure my Sovereignty
You who hates slavery, Ensure my Liberty
You who punishes the wicked Punish all who act against me.
In the name of the Father, Fallen for Freedom’s Sake
And of St Cyprian, who stands at the mouth of Hell.
So shall it be.