The Sorcery of Hekate

“This course is *intense*. I can’t stress this enough. Even if you already have a bond with Hekate, this course will be a gamechanger. It’s undiluted daily contact with Hekate. What is this good for? I can only speak from my own experience, but I got a deeper connection to sorcery itself than ever before….and a desire to go beyond.” – Emmanuel Leidi

Deep Training in a Secret System of Sorcery


Class Starts on March 3rd, 2025

In my first book, Protection and Reversal Magic, I revealed some of the secrets that Hekate, goddess o Sorcery, had revealed to me since our first contact in 2000. That was only a small glimpse into the Arcana that she has been laying out to me over the last 16 years, and which is finally ready to be shared. This seven month course requires a small daily practice commitment and is for people who want to explore one versatile practice very deeply for an extended time rather than jump wildly through new esoteric offerings that the internet provides.


The course will be taught through Bi-Weekly Audio Lessons and Ritual texts. There will be periodic videos to support the material. This is followed by a recorded Question and Answer session the following week where I answer any questions you submit about that lesson. Q&A’s are the lifeblood of the course, and will not only ensure you know what you are doig and why, but will illuminate all sorts of magical issues and concepts that are applicable to any system.


There are three main commitments:

1. You MUST do 100 repetitions of IO HEKA IO HO per day. It doesn’t matter if you are at your altar, it doesnt matter if you are in the right “headspace”, just do them. Do them in the car for all I care, it is about keeping this particular thread of fate running through your life during the practice. It take less than 5 minutes – if you can brush your teeth you can do the mantra. That said, there is a way to repair mistakes if you miss a few days.

2. You need to make an offering to Hekate on every New Moon during training. This can be a large ceremony, or a very simple offering of Incense and Wine while saying the Mantra just to keep the commitment. There will be other things that are strongly recommended for these days, but this is the commitment.

3. As with all my classes the material is under a vow of Secrecy.


Choose your option below. After signing up you will receive a link to sign into the class email list. Be sure to do so and you are in!

$100 a month, for seven months

Billed once per month, 7 times

Full Payment Up Front – $700

$25 a week for 28 weeks.

Billed once per week, 28 times

NOTE: Payments start when you sign up, not when the class starts. Payments continue until the $700 is reached

After payment you will receive an email with a link to a list to sign in to the course. You need to sign in to this mailchimp list in order to complete your registration!


“This course will change everything you thought you knew about Hekate but also create a bond with her, that will change your life forever.” – Matt Grey

“I wasn’t sure how a baby witch would fair with this type of structure and level of information. It was a bit scary and intimidating for me.
No matter the pace, there is time to catch up. Jason, allows everyone to move at their own pace, ask plenty of questions and the best of all re-take the class if desired.” – Lisa Allen-Cruz

“Sorcery of Hekate has shattered the limitations of what I thought a magical practice could be. The value and empowerment I received from this course is 100x more than I expected.” – Brent Crane

“Trust in the process that Jason teaches you. He teaches you the way, it is up to you on how you use it. You will learn a skill set that works.” – Barbara Cabot Williams

“If you’re thinking about taking it, you probably should be taking it! I’m so glad I finally committed and incredibly grateful for all we have learned and for the connection to an amazing deity and her retinue. It’s an intense, jam-packed ride that will give you the means and methods to “Go Beyond“. – Kelly Miess

“Best investment I ever made! Even if you already have a connection to Hekate, this course will bring it to a whole new level. It’s intense, it’s powerful, it’s unique!” – Nina Krakau

This image of Hekate graciously provided by yuliayael. Find this and more inspiring art at Instagram and Facebook.