Sorcery of Hekate Begins TOMORROW June 8th

The wait is over. Sorcery of Hekate Cycle 9 begins tomorrow.

” Far from being a cute little magic course to learn to cast spells and tell gods you love them, it is a tour de force of methodical personal evolution through the refinement of will, a call and a method for maturation into the bad ass witch you always wanted to be. ” – Gabriel River

” In short- I am astounded by the depth Jason offers in this course.” – Jesse Hathaway of Wolf & Goat

“In Jason’s class I found a cure to my endless run of intro-level wisdom wrapped in different shiny bows. I found standards and structure (yes there really are wrong ways to do things!) that will support decades of growth and wisdom. It is not easy, and to me that is one of the course’s larger benefits.” – Sam Grafamgra


The course is taught through 13 Bi-Weekly Audio Lessons and Ritual texts. This is followed by a recorded Question and Answer session the following week where I answer any questions you submit about that lesson.


The first lesson will be released TOMORROW December 2nd. The class will run for 7 months – a Total of 13 Lessons and a special wrap-up recording


There are three main commitments:
1. You MUST do 100 repetitions of IO HEKA IO HO per day. It doesn’t matter if you are at your altar, it doesnt matter if you are in the right “headspace”, just do them. Do them in the car for all I care, it is about keeping this particular thread of fate running through your life during the practice. It take less than 5 minutes – if you can brush your teeth you can do the mantra. That said, there is a way to repair mistakes if you miss a few days.
2. You need to make an offering to Hekate on every New Moon during training. This can be a large ceremony, or a very simple offering of Incense and Wine while saying the Mantra just to keep the commitment. There will be other things that are strongly recommended for these days, but this is the commitment.
3. As with all my classes the material is under a vow of Secrecy.

If you are up for a seven month deep dive into a secret system of Hekatean Sorcery that carefully builds lesson by lesson this is the time. If you follow the program you will have confidence in what you are doing, know how to do it, and how to apply it in your life.

For basic info about the course click here

Or just choose one of the links below to start your seven month journey…

$100 a month, for seven months.


Single Payment Up Front – $700


$25 a week for 7 months

Billed once per week, 28 times