St Expedite: Pacing and Motivation

I have tried all sorts of spells and rituals with St Expedite. I have taken his palm branch (my statue’s is removable) and replaced it with a petition in his hand. I have balanced a penny on his cross and threatened to take it away. I have placed his picture upside down to work faster. Etc Etc Etc. All these methods to compel him to work and work faster. I don’t do any of that anymore… 

Yesterday, lacking pound cake and not wanting to go to the store unnecessarily during quarantine, I offered St Expedite a Rice Crispy treat and a glass of Bourbon. I have found that St Expedite does not like to drink alone, so I had one with him. Not having anything that needed to be done quickly, I sat and asked him about the nature of timing and magic.

See, I’ve had some great experiences with Saint Expedite, but when he is asked to do things faster than is logistically possible, I have seen things blow up spectacularly. That’s the risk of rushing what aught not be rushed. (Read in to that any current events you will..) 

St Expedite is not a spirit that speaks to me verbally, but when I arose from my prayer-meets-meditation-meets-day drinking, I felt a profound motivation not to waste time. I set aside the binge-watching, dragged the kids outside to play catch, spent an hour sketching, and then watched a movie with Tiffany. If you don’t have anything that needs to be done in a hurry, you can still pray to St Expedite. The “Hodie” on his cross is a reminder that life is happening to you right now. No matter what you are waiting for: this is your life and you are spending it, like it or not. 

Before I left the altar, I spoke another prayer I will share with you now.

St Expedite who knows what is Urgent and sees it done.
Hasten to Heal us of the virus that besets the world
Hasten to Help us recover financially from our quarantine
Hasten the Hour of our being hale and sound
You know our needs, now set our pace.
As fast as can be, without calamity.
In particular protect all those who recite this prayer
And extend your aid to those they love