The Student wants to gather Graveyard Dirt for a spell. They have heard that there is a proper way to do this and of course, they want to do it right.
So they do some research and find that in RootDoctor X recommends first making an offering a shot glass of whiskey in exchange for a shot glass of dirt. Fair enough.
They read another book and fine that in Bucksnort Tennessee the tradition is to leave a dime, and not whiskey. So just to be safe they start offering a dime AND whiskey.
They watch a Youtube Video that says in Upper Pig Pen NC the tradition is to leave an offering at the gates of the Cemetery as well as at the grave where you take the dirt from. If you don’t, the dead will follow you home and cause all sorts of havoc. So now, the student is actually scared of what happens if they don’t follow this tradition. They need whiskey and coins for the cemetery gates and the grave itself.
They are sharing this on their favorite facebook group when a Witch from Hell Hole Swamp South Carolina insists that its not the Cemetery Gates you get permission from, its the oldest grave in the boneyard. They share how someone didn’t offer to the oldest spirit and lost a toe! So, just to be safe, the student is planning to offer coins and whiskey at the grave they want the dirt from, the gates of the cemetery, and the oldest grave in the cemetery. Good to go right?
“What about the bath?” Says another witch in they group. They watched a tik tok by a spiritual worker in Humptulip West Virginia that says you need a special protective bath before entering a Graveyard to collect dirt.
Okay…. so now we need a bath, then a Whiskey and A Coin for the Grave, the Gate, and the Oldest Grave.
Hang On though. Don’t they offer cakes in Nepal?… maybe they should bring a slice of cake….
And didn’t Romans offer wine? Maybe wine is better….
And didn’t Shadow Raven Star warn against offering alcohol. Maybe Tea…. Better bring everything just to be safe.
We now live in a world where we have unprecedented access to information. Even when we cut through the mountains of misinformation and BS, we are still left with a huge feast of knowledge. We can learn the traditions of a dozen different places in just one afternoon. Each tradition has its own logic and its own place, but if you try to do them all you will drive yourself crazy or worse, you won’t even bother because the whole business is now so complicated it doesn’t seem worth it.
I think its great that we have access to so much information now. With this wealth comes a responsibility for discernment. Graveyard Dirt is only an example. I have seen people do this with everything from ceremonial conjuration to candle magic. Develop discernment. Listen to the Spirits. Don’t drive yourself crazy.