15 years ago I launched the Strategic Sorcery Course – a year long email course in practical magic. It is still available today at the price it was over a decade ago. $150 for the year, which works out to less than 3 bucks a lesson.
I am now offering something I have only offered once before, and don”t know if I will offer again: THE STRATEGIC SORCERY DEEP DIVE. Bi-weekly Audio Q&A”s on the Strategic Sorcery material. This will go on for one year.
It works like this: You read (or re-read) the lessons, ask questions in the Q&A thread, and then every two weeks you get a recording of me reading and answering the questions.
Pre-Requisite: The only pre-requisite is you must take, or have taken in the past, the Strategic Sorcery Course. The basic lessons are not included in the Deep Dive.
To learn details and purchase the pre-requisite Strategic Sorcery course, click here
Cost of the Deep Dive: $50 bucks a month or $600 for the year. It works out the same in the end. There is no weekly payment option for this.