Strategic Sorcery Mighty Network

If you already know you want in, just click HERE and come on in. Want to know more about whats happening? Read on….
When i started Strategic Sorcery I ran a forum on my webpage. It sucked. Some people liked it, but I didn’t so I moved everything to Facebook. It was awesome! Participation went up around 600% and just kept growing.
Things are different now, and that’s why we are moving. here is a breakdown:
FB owns all the data on FB and reserves the right to delete it all without notice. Thats a very shakey ground to build a business on… so we need to move where we have more control.
Even if I tightly moderate all the groups, people carry the stress and outrage and toxic behavior into whatever they scroll to on that platform, Strategic Sorcery classes included. We need to move someplace that will offer more signal and less noise.
FB is a tool designed to get to hold your attention no matter what the cost. This often appeals to our worst angels at the expense of the people we choose to link and grow with. We need to move so that we can focus on the work that binds us.
Because of all the above, people have been leaving facebook. Many others only maintain their accounts for Strategic Sorcery and other courses. The argument a few years was that we are on FB because everyone else is already there. That is no longer true.
The Details of the Plan.
So… right now I have paid for a year of the business plan on Mighty Networks. There is already a Strategic Sorcery Network in place waiting for you! POP ON IN!
This new network is open to anyone on the newsletter list or who reads the blog. There will be an internal network just for students and alumni of the in the one year Strategic Sorcery course as well, that should roll out next week.
For now, the main Strategic Sorcery group will stay on Facebook. Mighty Networks needs to be a place that you WANT to go, not that you are forced to go. It will stay open till at least Spring, at which point I will make a decision.
All Courses using groups currently on FB will stay through the end of their cycle. Black School, Sorcery of Hekate, you will finish your course right where you are!
NEW CYCLES of Black School and Sorcery of Hekate will open on the new Network instead of Facebook. Groups for old Cycles will be archived.
The great thing about this is that lessons, Q&A’s, discussions, and payments will ALL HAPPEN IN ONE SPACE.
I am excited to start this new stage of our journey and I hope you are too.