Students Speak About Black School Sorcery

New cycle of The Black School is starting up on July 2nd, so I thought I would ask the current cohort for their thoughts on this Course in Cyprianic Conjuration. Everything below is a comment made within the last seven days:
“This course was the push into discomfort that I needed to truly open my eyes to what I’ve subconsciously known all along. It’s been incredible, and I’m coming from an open yet Christian background. I’ve dabbled in many systems as a practitioner, but this is one that I was very nervous about, mainly because demons were new to me in this way. Still, I knew I was pushed in this direction for a reason. I came across St. Cyprian before I found the Black School created by Jason Miller, and everything made so much more sense. Jason is a phenomenal teacher. I bought all of his books and plan on taking every course that he offers! This is my first but won’t be my last. He knows his stuff! It has been life-changing, and I’m grateful for that, from one sorcerer to another.” – Jonathan Brown
“This class teaches how to work with spirits and angels, using a grimoire style method. The information is applicable, understandable, and adapted for modern use while reflecting grimoires of the past. The Christian influence is present but relatable and necessary to the work. If you want to learn this kind of sorcery, this class will fully meet your expectations. Well worth it.” – Scarlet Darkwood
“It is definitely the class to take if you have a pagan focus, but want to have access and authority to work Christian/grimoire paths in your practice.” – Geoffrey Wendel
This class, I was leary of in the beginning because of the potential for Cognitive dissonance with the Christian information and being a former Christian I struggle with bashing on a lot of Christian concepts. But I was pleased to find out there was no need to even trip on that possibility. The content was appropriate for many who have difficulty with Christianity faith, and I learned a lot of cool stuff honestly. I have taken the concepts learned in the class, worked with goetia I would never have thought I would work with, which ended up very successful in the end. I have some growing working relationships with some of the goetia, as well as a closer bond with st cyprian. I feel pretty confident that what I learned in this course will follow me for years seeing as there are a lot of goetia to get to “know”. Thank you Jason miller for the content. I’m always looking forward to more from you! It’s been a pleasure working under you as a student.” – Melissa Behrends-Gelfman
“This class expertly guides students in cultivating spiritual authority, while progressing at a thoughtful pace that enables continued growth.
Although the course is grounded in structured protocols, Jason encourages students to develop meaningful connections with spirits, to learn from them, craft personalized spells and rituals, and deepen their spiritual practice.
Take. This. Course.“ – Mark Lowe
“It’s the perfect study course for someone who wants a “jack-of-all-trades” toolkit to accomplish just about everything. It filled in so many gaps for me in my own esoteric and occult knowledge. I highly recommend this course.”- Daniel Bryant
“I have been studying/practicing Wicca/Witchcraft-Magic-Shamanism since the 1970’s. This class took me out of my comfort zone and challenged me repeatedly. The first three classes provided tools/techniques that provide a solid foundation that the rest of the classes build on. After months of the course, those tools have become part of my regular practice. Everything taught in this course is actionable and relevant. It is not about beliefs and theories, but doing the work and getting results. I highly recommend this course.” – Tracy Gunter
“I was expecting to up my game in spirit communication with this course (I have) but I wasn’t expecting to learn a really effective method of psychic training and daily cultivation. The techniques taught in the very first lesson *alone* have boosted my pre-existing practice. They have also provided excellent ways to access a wealth of spiritual exercises in the Western contemplative tradition. I highly recommend the Black School to anyone looking for a balanced approach that combines sorcery with mysticism” – Agnes Jackson
“As someone who comes from a Christian background, I initially thought The Black School might be more blasphemous than it turned out to be. Instead, it struck the perfect balance between Christianity and the demonic, integrating these elements extremely well. Saint Cyprian is an incredibly powerful spiritual ally, and I am grateful for the opportunity to learn about him. When you call upon him, he comes.
The exercises and lessons in this course were outstanding, covering everything from developing psychic abilities to beautiful prayers and unique methods of working with spirits that you won’t find anywhere else. I found myself constantly checking my inbox in anticipation of the lessons on the expected days.|
The Q&A sessions were my favorite part. Jason is an incredibly patient and knowledgeable teacher who answered all questions thoroughly. I am extremely grateful to have learned from a true master of the art. The Facebook group was also fantastic, with everyone eager to help each other.
I know that the methods taught in this course will become a significant part of my practice going forward and I can’t wait for future lessons. If you have any hesitation about taking it put them aside. It’s not what you think.. It’s better!” – Le Peliquan
“I’ve always had some kind of relationship with the christian world when I started my occult path, but the black school is a beast entirely separate from anything I’ve experienced or heard of. I found after I started the work that I was beginning to exist in the same grey spaces as cyprian. Not just spiritually but physically too, having a hard time explaining to Christian’s my relationship with Christ and an even harder time explaining to witches why I now had a interest in things that they had abandoned years ago. It’s an amazing course for people who are interested in occupying that grey area, it will push you into areas you never thought existed in the Christian world, and beyond it.” – Talbot Hance
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