The Call of St Cyprian
Allow me to be a bit of a hipster here and say that I was into St Cyprian before he was cool 🙂 In fact in 2006 I wrote a prayer in his honor and posted it to my Live Journal. Seven years later and I still love St Cyprian.
Yesterday I completed the Novena to St Cyprian and today I celebrate his feast day with more extensive offerings, charitable work, and contemplation of his mysteries. Over the past nine days he has revealed much about himself, his connection to other spirits, his spells and workings, and some very useful personal advice. Most of what he communicated is private and some of it has been shared with other people doing the Cyprian work. I do however want to share a prayer.
In the name of the great and mighty power of God I invoke the sublime influence of St. Cyprian, in Christ Jesus. I ask that you be my mentor and my master by virtue of the grace bestowed upon you by God omnipotent who was, who is, and who will ever be.
You learned to control storms on Mt Olympus, the casting of enchantment and illusion in Argos, the mysteries of the witches craft at Taurapolis, necromancy among the graves of Sparta, and incantations in Memphis. Finally in Antioch, drawn by power, you found grace of Christ.
Oh Holy Cyprian, you who equally partakes of the Mass and the Sabbat, bless my efforts to follow you in your path. You who commingled with angels, devils, and earthly spirits, grant the power to command the spirits as you did, and as Solomon and Manasses did before you.
I thank you Lord for the many gifts of nature and grace with which you enriched the spiritual treasure house of your most faithful servant St. Cyprian. I thank you, my protector, for the special favors I have received by your powerful intercession.
Oh Cyprian Holy Thaumaturge : Saint and Sorcerer, Martyr and Magus, bless me. Take my prayers and spells and make them your own. When the Lord hears them he will not ignore them, they will cease to be my words, but yours.