The Days of Cyprian are Upon Us
Today is the feast day of Cyprian of Carthage, and tomorrow begins the 9 days of novena ending on the 16th, the feast of Cyprian of Antioch.
My own prayer to the Sorcerer Saint goes like this:
In the name of the great and mighty power of God I invoke the sublime influence of St. Cyprian, in Christ Jesus. I ask that you be my mentor and my master by virtue of the grace bestowed upon you by God omnipotent who was, who is, and who will ever be.
You learned to control storms on Mt Olympus, the casting of enchantment and illusion in Argos, the mysteries of the witches craft at Taurapolis, necromancy among the graves of Sparta, and incantations in Memphis. Finally in Antioch, drawn by power, you found grace of Christ.
Oh Holy Cyprian, you who equally partakes of the Mass and the Sabbat, bless my efforts to follow you in your path. You who commingled with angels, devils, and earthly spirits, grant the power to command the spirits as you did, and as Solomon and Manasses did before you.
I thank you Lord for the many gifts of nature and grace with which you enriched the spiritual treasure house of your most faithful servant St. Cyprian. I thank you, my protector, for the special favors I have received by your powerful intercession.
Oh Cyprian Holy Thaumaturge : Saint and Sorcerer, Martyr and Magus, bless me. Take my prayers and spells and make them your own. When the Lord hears them he will not ignore them, they will cease to be my words, but yours.
That’s it, just say the prayer. If you want to do more, you can anoint yourself with oil. If you want to do even more, set up an altar with a statue or image of St Cyprian, a purple candle, and a glass of water. More than that… read a fucking book you lazy bastard 🙂
After the novena, meditate on the image of Cyprian. Be receptive and see what he has to say. Watch Dreams. At the end of the Novena make the sign of three nails and cross yourself with it three times. Cross your index over your thumb to make the cross and the remaining three fingers make the nails.
There are some of you reading this who do not have a good relationship with Christianity – which is totally fine and understandable. Christians, both ancient and modern have done a lot to deserve enmity. There is no compelling reason for you to this. Don’t let anyone tell you different. If you don’t, don’t bother. There is more in this life than any of us can do, so there is not reason to force yourself to do something you are not comfortable with – unless of course you are pushing your comfort zones, which I totally respect.
As to what Cyprian does for the Sorcerer:
1. Magical Business Building: I started using Cyprian to help regulate my business last year and he has done a BANG up job. It was him that told me to start asking for sums of money left over after bills are paid, which has led to the best year ever.
2. Protection: Cyprian is a protector against black magic par excellence. Rather than Michael who confronts it all head on in a big booming battle, Cyprian is subtle – like having the number of the guy who is the boss of the forces arrayed against you. Imagine a mobster sent to kill you, who suddenly gets a call from his bosses bosses boss telling him to back off. Its kinds like that.
3. Dead and Demon work: Cyprian functions much like the HGA or Scryllin in this regard: he can assist in summoning and calling forth fast acting beings, and “baptizes” them in the light so that they work for you willingly rather than as a constraint.
4. Justice: Cyprian can be a potent and wrathful force when needed for justice. I have called upon him for this twice and he came through very strongly.
5. Teacher: Cyprian really can teach detailed Sorceries directly during dreams, trance, and meditation. He can also increase understanding of all occult studies
Now let’s talk oils. I use three in my practice:
1. Lucky Mojo Cyprian Oil. This is the basic stuff that I use day in and out for anointing myself on Saturdays. Good solid stuff.
2. Wolf & Goat’s Cyprian Oil: This is a little too pungent for self-anointing but it is however the most awesome oil I have ever worked with for any other purpose. Drop a bit on my statue and go into trance and its like Ray Harryhausen animated that shit! Very intense stuff.
3. Cyprian Fluid Condenser: I learned this from a Curandera that also studied Bardon’s works. It too is doing amazing things in my world. Â Sunflower oil, myrrh, calamus, cypress, orris root, cinnamon, cedarwood, frankincense, gold chloride.
I told you to read, so here are some books:
1. Saint Cyprian: Saint of Necromancers. by ConjureMan Ali
2. St. Cyprian & The Sorcerous Transmutation. by Nicholaj De Mattos Frisvold
3. The Book of Saint Cyprian: The Sorcerer’s Treasure by JosĂ© LeitĂŁo
4. The Testament of Cyprian the Jake Stratton Kent
Finally there is a fundraiser in his name set up by my friend Polyphanes. If you are looking for a way to make a charitable offering in his name, this is a good way to do it.