Invocation and Instruction From St Cyprian

St Cyprian and Justina making pacts with devils.
I had originally planned to write a post every day for all nine days. Instead the great Saint commanded me to the great prayers of silence and work. To celebrate his feast today I submit the following invocation/instruction without further comment.
Holy Saint Cyprian, Martyr and Mage
Patron of magic committed to page
Thy book is thy altar, blood ink is spread
Granting power over living and dead
Calling down angels granting them form
Raising up demons in baptism reborn
Winged Serpent of East, Southern black Iynx
Great Bear of the North, Western black Sphynx
Four kings conjured and mark compass around
Where spirits come gather on consecrated ground
In the Ostensorium, the spirits you show
Grant power to bind, to converse, and to know
Martyr of Antioch, Master of the Black School
Three Nails, Three Oils, and Three worlds you rule
Sorcerer Saint betwixt Heaven and Hell
Pray for us now, And at the hour of our spell