“The Most Amazing Journey of my Life”

This morning I asked for some feedback from the students just finishing up Sorcery of Hekate. Alex Sandra gave me the headline of this post. Her full quote is:

“I have chanted my heart out, prayed, laughed, cried, worked magic that I didn’t know I was capable of before, I have explored the fabric of life and traveled to the edge of the reality – it’s the most amazing journey of my life… it’s a journey that has just begun.” – Alex Sandra

That kind of encapsulates what it is all about. The system gives you clear guidance on what to do, and if you do it, you get results.

Another favorite was this: “Extremely powerful and unlike anything you’ve ever done before, even if it was with Hekate.” – Savannah Drake

Let’s be honest: Hekate is popular. Sorita D’este, Mark Smith, Cynthia Brannen, and Jack Grayle are all putting out material on Hekate. Good Material in fact! I recommend you check as much of it out as you can. I don’t own Hekate, no one does, but this course represents a very different path to anything else out there. It has its roots deep in antiquity, but is not bound by it. It is a specific and single practice that requires serious training.

The last comment I want to share is from Rebekah Berndt, who broke it down into three points.

“1. I got clear, actionable intelligence from Hekate that led me to pack up my life in less than one month, quit my high pressure hospital career in which I was deeply unhappy, and leave Brooklyn for the Hudson Valley at the end of January 2020- right before COVID 19 ravaged NYC.

2. I love the breadth of the practices and teachings about Hekate- from her down and dirty witchy aspects, to her transcendent savior goddess form, Hekate feels like a truly integrated deity that serves as a model for my own psychological integration.

3. The emphasis on structure, laying a foundation, and building on it. So much advice on magical practice out there tells us to figure it out and do what works best/make it up as we go along, and I’m not totally opposed to that, but it’s hard to improvise when you don’t have any solid framework to start from. The emphasis on committed, structured practice lays a solid foundation that allows you to springboard to the next level of your magic.”

– Rebekah Berndt

I really can’t lay it out any better than these students. If this sounds like the kind of journey you are up for, then now is the time.

Class Starts In Less Than TWO WEEKS
June 8th 2020

 Click here to learn more about Course

Interviews where Sorcery of Hekate is discussed.

Weird Web Radio with Lonnie Scott

Witches and Wine did and entire segment on Sorcery of Hekate 

Glitch Bottle did an episode with me on Sorcery of Hekate 

Mat Auryn interviewed me about Sorcery of Hekate  


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