The Wider World Of Hekatean Magic

If you follow this blog, or are familiar with my work at all, you know that I have a series of courses designed to train students in a specific body of Sorcery related to Hekate.
Of course when I started teaching on Hekate, there was not the abundance of material and teachers devoted to her that there is today. I was only one of a few that focused specifically on her and a long form course devoted to magic relating to one goddess was more or less new.
Today there are a ton of books, websites and even a few courses devoted just to Hekate, and specifically Hekatean Witchcraft is not just one tradition, but a whole body of different teachers and teachings!
Because of this I wanted to just a moment and place my system of Hekean Sorcery within the context of this larger world.
Not me, not Jack Grayle, not Sorita d’Este, not Jeff Cullen, not Cyndi Brannon, not Devin Hunter, not Giulia Turolla, nor Laura Bizzarro nor…. you get the idea.
I happen to like the work of all the teachers I have named above. Each one of us has something unique to offer. I recommend them regularly to people but none of us have the exclusive gospel. No modern teacher does.
And you know what? The Ancients don’t own her either.
Just as my class might be unrecognizable to someone in the 2nd century AD, Hekate in the Chaldean Oracles or the Greek Magical Papyri might have been unrecognizable to someone who knew her when the Theogony was written.
No place owns her either. She was known in Greece, in Colchis, in Rome, and then throughout Europe. So widespread was her cult that Shakespeare thought it probable that Scottish Witches might have consorted with her in the 1400’s. And of course today, as we know, she is everywhere. Fitting for a goddess whose name can be translated as “She who is far beyond”.
So do you need my course to get to know Hekate? Of course not!
If you don’t know a single thing about Hekate at all, the best thing I can recommend is that you grab a copy of Hekate Liminal Rites, by Sorita d’Este and David Rankine and start your journey there.
Hekate appeared to me at a the cremation grounds of Pashupatinath Nepal of all unlikely places. She told me that I would be coming home soon and that when I did, I should offer her a supper because she had something to teach me.
In summer of 2000 I found a nice three-way crossroads in the NJ Pine Barrens and that’s exactly what I did. She appeared in a special form along with a series of four guardian spirits. That was the first transmission in a series of teachings that are still continuing today.
The system of magic, or Arcana, that she wanted me to develop with her and teach was so complex that it took 15 years to get it to the point that it was ready to be taught. So that’s what I do: teach a very specific, and deep form of Hekatean Sorcery that must be taught through both lessons and active Q&A’s – which is why it’s a course and not a book.
If you are interested in that, the next cycle is starting in February!