
“In the peaceful poise of intuitive bliss, violence will be gone, as we sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe.” – Guru Arjan, Raag Gauree, 249

My heart and thoughts go out to Sikh’s everywhere in this time of tragedy.

I am at a loss for words.

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Alexandr Arroyo

What happened? I think I missed something.

ConjureMan Ali

Truly a heart-wrenching tragedy. Its one shooting spree after another.


One thing that bothers me about that article:
“which comes just over two weeks after a gun massacre left 12 people dead at a Colorado cinema.”

It is fairly well realized at this point that the way news coverage of shootings is done encourages copy cat shootings but the people that work in news seem desperate to deafen themselves to that. There is an easy solution but we see it forsaken in a tagedy of the commons: all they have to do is make these stories as boring as possible instead of using the viewer attention grab techniques so prevalent in their constant struggle for viewer ratings.

They can give full local coverage to the affected communities, sure, but when they broadcast that all over a large country they’re setting these shooters up as martyrs for others to emulate.

So yeah, it’s one shooting spree after another and we know exactly why.


This is really rather upsetting, as this sort of nonsense is going to continue to occur. As Zorku mentioned, people love to copy actions like this because they are memorable. If you want to ensure that this doesn’t happen to you, do magic to prevent it and start working to change the laws where you live so that if this happens you can return fire and end it before more people get killed. Living like sheep and allowing others to take our right to defend ourselves, either by physical defense or by magical means, does not benefit us.

My thoughts go out to those who survived. May those who lost their lives rest in peace.




    I don’t know if it’s wise to encourage everyone to carry guns into churches and similar buildings/areas. Instead I’d encourage us to not sensationalize the acts of these gunmen as if they’re going out in a blaze of glory and generally encourage modern values. Despite the efforts that cause more of this we are still seeing a decline in this and other sorts of violence in the modern world.

    I don’t think casting a spell for this is going to make bullets bounce off of you (I hope you don’t either,) so it seems that you would want more to cause doubts in the person planning to go shoot up a peaceful place. Go ahead and cast spells for that but let’s also take some action to build a culture where everyone would have doubts about shooting up a bunch of unarmed people.


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