Two Posts of Note

Some people have been complaining that Facebook is detracting from the longer-form blog-o-sphere. While I think that the platforms work best together and don’t necessarily see the problem that other people do, I am going to start taking the time once a month or so to point out posts that I think are important and relate to the overall methods of Strategic Sorcery.

The first of these is a great post by Polyphanes “On Making Vows To The Gods” and why most of the time its a bad idea. The idea that your own vows and failure to upkeep them can be the cause of crossed conditions, and even active attack is something I brought up in my first book, and something that has happened to me personally. This type of thing can actually set you back years but can be very difficult to admit to yourself. He makes some very good points.

The second post I wanted to point out is by Patrick Dunn writing about being a “Fair-weather Wizard”.  This post gets to the heart of something that all adepts confront: sooner or later magic for yourself becomes less about particular spellsand workings and much more about living magic as part of your life: offerings, meditation, maintaining familiars etc. Almost all magic in my life is accomplished automatically through the relationship I have developed with the spirits and indeed the universe itself.

Both of these posts are by people who are thinking Strategically about their Sorcery. You would do well to keep up with their blogs.



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Glad to hear you’ll be renewing focus on sharing ideas in depth, Jason. I sense your voice is particularly important: populist Magick, but smart, with solid training in several lines, including perhaps the most ancient living remnant traditions folding in ancient pre-Buddhist shamanism and spirit work from your sourcework in Tibetan Buddhism. Your own particular mix of ethics and practicality, reverence and irreverence, sustainability and context is refreshingly different. Thinking a lot about it for more than a year now, I suspect that learning about how you and Gordon have each differently emerged from the other portal of Kaos Magick — which now, of course, seems to be The Golden Dawn of the last half of the last century– and are sharing the brilliant takeaways and shorthand of that system, makes me hopeful for keeping context and consequences part of thee Magickal Dialogues in a world where there are a gazillion more practitioners inhabiting a world where context and consequences are increasingly devalued.


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