Cyprian Days: STFU For A Second Would Ya?

So the “Days of the Cyprians” are upon us again, and if you follow me you know that the Sorcerer-Saint plays a huge role in my magic, so you might be wondering what I do to mark it. I think sometimes my Black School students are disappointed that I don’t have a super intense ritual for them on these days or even on the 26th, the feast day itself. I don’t though. I keep it pretty simple.

I usually clean and re-adjust the altar.

I increase offerings in both quality and quantity.

I make sure I keep to a schedule for morning and evening.

But what I actually do for ceremony is similar to what I do whenever I am working a Black School style ritual, or Cyprianic prayer. In fact I probably do more prayer on these nights than hardcore ritual.

Its not the time I spend in ritual that matters most on these days. Its the time I spend listening.

If  feast days are anything meaningful at all, they a time when you have easier access to a clearer channel between you and a Spirit. This goes for Cyprian as well as the scores of Deities, Buddhas, Saints, and Spirits that have feast days and holidays. If you focus primarily on doing more and more and more ritual, you risk never shutting your gob long enough to actually notice the spirits response.

Early in our relationship St Cyprian told me “Let Silence Be My Mantra“. That silence has served me well over the years. It’s within that silence that all meaning arcana arsises.

If you want to hear or see the spirits there are a lot of tips,tricks, and trainings that I can offer you; but silence is the bedrock upon which all of them are built. Consorting with spirits not just about sending, it’s about receiving.

I have seen people do two hours of intense conjurations, prayers, and formulae to call a spirit forth, only to then spend all of 15 seconds with their mouths shut before they decide that the spirit isn’t there yet, and so they quit or start in with more conjurations. To put a spin on an old Louis C.K. bit: Give it a second would ya? It’s coming from another dimension for god’s sake! Give it a second... The problem may not be that you need to evoke harder, it may be that you just need to STFU for a few minutes and listen. Did you call Buer just to talk over him?

So this season of the Cyprians… or on any day dedicated to a spirit that you consort with…. make sure the effort you give to what you do is counterbalanced by some attentive silence. Your time will be well rewarded.



In the name of the great and mighty power of God I invoke the sublime influence of St. Cyprian, in Christ Jesus. I ask that you be my mentor and my master by virtue of the grace bestowed upon you by God omnipotent who was, who is, and who will ever be.

You learned to control storms on Mt Olympus, the casting of enchantment and illusion in Argos, the mysteries of the witches craft at Taurapolis, necromancy among the graves of Sparta, and incantations in Memphis. Finally in Antioch, drawn by power, you found grace of Christ.

Oh Holy Cyprian, you who equally partakes of the Mass and the Sabbat, bless my efforts to follow you in your path. You who commingled with angels, devils, and earthly spirits, grant the power to command the spirits as you did, and as Solomon and Manasses did before you.

I thank you Lord for the many gifts of nature and grace with which you enriched the spiritual treasure house of your most faithful servant St. Cyprian. I thank you, my protector, for the special favors I have received by your powerful intercession.

Oh Cyprian Holy Thaumaturge : Saint and Sorcerer, Martyr and Magus, bless me. Take my prayers and spells and make them your own. When the Lord hears them he will not ignore them, they will cease to be my words, but yours.
