The Glyph above was made by a student who wanted to describe what Sorcery of Hekate did for her practice.

The Sorcery of Hekate is the only course I run where I don’t publish a class list ahead of time. Some think this is to generate an air or secrecy around the course, but its not – the names of the individual classes would simply not help you understand what happens in the course, and might in fact be misleading. Class Title about the Fates might make you think “oh and here he talks about the fates… which I already know about” – meanwhile what the class teaches is not historical information about the fates, but how they fit into the very precise magical operation that the class is about, not general information about the fates.

That said, I do like people to know what they are getting into, so I thought I might give a short outline of the path the course takes.

We begin by getting to know Hekate and her mantra IO HEKA IO, the mantra you will be chanting every day. The form of Hekate is specific to this course and holds numerous secrets.

After a couple weeks of working with this form stuff starts to get pretty wild for some people so we introduce the Guardians that will hold down the edges of the mandala/temple. At the same time we also open the roads into that temple that serve to make it a nexus point for the powers.

Another key figure in the mandala is introduced that turns the volume up on everything and focuses the work, before we set the whole thing in motion with the movements behind the mantra.

That covers the first few lessons. From there we introduce all manner of tools, spirits, and methods that fit into this seamless structure. The results that people report and the confidence that they develop in their magic comes from taking up a thread of practice that is never put down. Day in and day out engaging the practice that grows and offers more and more as you progress. By the third month you are doing magic that you literally could not have done without mastering those early lessons and gaining the sorcerers response that they trigger.

By the end of seven months you will know how to perform a ceremony as complex as a High Mass and as engrossing as a Tantric Sadhana.


I can say whatever I want about the course. Ultimately though its not me it has to work for, its you. Over 800 people have taken the course which is now starting its 10th cycle. The following are some comments about the course from students in the current cycle:

“I have total confidence in this arcana. Confidence in its power, effectiveness, diversity and most importantly confidence in Hekate herself. This arcana transcended the lessons, even transcended the teacher and brought me right to the spirit its and the goddess herself. When Hekate “embraces you as a lover” there can be no doubts anymore.” – Brent Jacobs

“This isn’t just a compendium of run of the mill shit, the likes of which fills pages of books, elsewhere. It’s all raw, percolating, sensuous transformation. It is down ‘n dirty in its tellurian applicability, positively writhing with chthonic mystery, and crowned with the stars of heaven in its mysticism. Beautiful. And thank you.” 
– Nicholas Graham

“This has been a wild ride for sure. I have gained so much confidence and trust in myself. I feel this is the first time I really connected to and with spirits, Hekate herself, the dead. It has been very effective in getting me to recognize and fix my blind spots.” – Amber Cooney

“You know I really didn’t know what to expect. I had read several books about Hekate and spent past several yrs “talking” with her and giving offerings etc and asking her to basically teach me…and I stumbled across this course via a YouTube video you were on discussing it. And it sort of hit me across the head that I needed this…I haven’t regretted a single penny. I still have so much work to do and am gaining an ever increasing confidence and connection I never had before. It isn’t a question of IF she is here ?? it’s WHEN she is here ! I really can’t speak highly enough of this as I’ve needed the organization and clarity this has brought. I will be taking 2 even tho I plan to redo 1 as well. Thanks for everything thus far!!” -Vicky Allen Hawkins 

“Confidence through relationship and “backing.” I don’t think I would feel the same had I not done (literally) tens of thousands of mantras at this point. It’s this consistency that allows us to “steep” in the magic and, therefore, become more like her.” – Joshua Saunders 

“I have always been with Hekate for many years this course has taught me so much in 7 months incredible.I feel closer to her than ever and feel a sense of calm like never before,Even my family impressed with the dedication I have shown to this course” Geonkaz Gamson 


Class Starts In Less Than THREE WEEKS
June 8th 2020

For basic info about the course click here

For more detailed information check out these sources:

Witches and Wine did and entire segment on Sorcery of Hekate 

Glitch Bottle did an episode with me on Sorcery of Hekate 

Mat Auryn interviewed me about Sorcery of Hekate 


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