Work on HOW more than on WHAT.
If you are on Facebook you have probably seen a lot of images like this:
Or Maybe this one:
These are nice sentiments. Some of them might even be good ideas, but an idea un-executed is just an idea. And no, posting it on Facebook is not execution, although some people seem to think it is.
A few months ago I had the opportunity to speak to a few very idealistic college age people I was talking to who had idea like this, and I said: “OK, lets say that this is a good idea. How do you get it done?”
One of them said, and I quote: “People just need to wake up and DO IT. They just NEED TO!!!!”.
The other one said: “I feel like I am a person who is here to think of the ideas. Its up to other people to implement them.”
It would be GREAT to put all the homeless people into foreclosed homes – of course then those homes would not be foreclosed on in the first place. But that aside, how do you compensate people or banks who own the houses and want them to sell? How do you convince them to let sometimes sketchy, often mentally ill people live in them? I am not saying you can’t – I’m saying you need to think about HOW.
It would be great to spend less on military and more on food for hungry people. How do you get it through a Republican House that mistakes Ayn Rand for Jesus and views those Hungry children as people who should just pull themselves up by their bootstraps? I am not saying you can’t. I am saying you need to think about HOW.
A few weeks ago I was evicting some squirrels from my attic. I asked the person that worked at Home Depot whether the Have-a-heart were more or less effective than old fashioned Rat Traps. They replied that the Have-a-heart traps would not kill the squirrels, which did not answer the question. I asked again and they repeated the same answer – apparently not grasping that the welfare of the squirrels was pretty low on list of things to give a shit about (yeah, I’m a bad Buddhist). Another employee came over and pointed out that rat-traps might disable the little bastards squirrels, and they could crawl under insulation or into a wall to die a long and smelly death. BOOM – you just sold a $30 trap that saves a life rather than a $2 trap that kills. One person just thought about their idea and what they thought was right. The other person thought about HOW to get me to buy the thing they wanted.
Whether it is planning Strategic Sorcery operations, selling products, or trying to make the world a little bit better, its 5%what and 95% how.