Your Thursday Financial Sorcery Tip:

On Thursdays we Gentlemen for Jupiter offer a blessing to one another: “To Your Blameless Heath, and Necessary Wealth

Those last two words are particularly appropriate when discussing wealth magic. We all have a concept of what we consider to be necessary wealth for ourselves – the amount of money we need to pay our bills, put food on the table, and provide a small amount of entertainment and pleasure.


Some people that have tried lots of financial sorcery and money magic have noticed that magic aimed at this point of necessary wealth is almost always successful, but that magic aimed at moving far beyond this point is less successful. This has given rise to what I call the “Need Fallacy”

Have you ever heard someone say something like: “I can conjure up the cash for the bills, but anything beyond that seems to elude me”. Or perhaps: “The spirits will give you what you need, but just what you need”. Or maybe even “The Lord knows what you need, which is not always what you want.” If so, you have heard someone that has bought into the Need Fallacy: that magic will work to cover the bills, but not to make them wealthy.

If we are following the Financial Sorcery philosophy, this is a big problem. The whole point that differentiates Financial Sorcery from simple Money magic is the idea of rejecting the status quo and building wealth far beyond mere need according to a long term strategy.


As anyone can see though, what exactly constitutes “necessary” is different for everybody. Chances are right now you are living in a style that is more than just a roof over your head, and three hot meals. If it were true that magic only provided for needs, we would all be at the same level, so clearly the actual number differs from person to person.

This variance in the need point is sometimes interpreted by people along theistic, or at least fatalistic lines. The spirits, or God, or powers give you what they think you should have. I completely reject this scenario.

In my experience the lifestyle that we are living is usually representative of our set point. The set point is the financial position you are comfortable at. It is not the point that you would like to be, it is the point that you are comfortable at, and which you unconsciously gravitate towards. This point is set by your upbringing and your general general self-perception. The point that we need to keep in mind here is that whether we are living in a Mansion in Monaco, or an efficiency in Detroit, the need point is simply the point of income that we need to pay the bills.


If the need point is different for different people, and if we reject the idea of it being fated or determined by an immutable power it should be obvious that if you can move the need point, your magic will fall in line around the new point.

From the long term perspective the best way to move the need point is to move the mental set-point that determines it, but that is not what I want to write about in this post. I have a whole chapter on The Set Point it in the new book and I encourage you to see Financial Sorcery for more detail on how to do that.

If however you are not yet ready to tackle the hard work of moving the set point, and make no mistake, it is a long term process of initiation, the least you can do is get the point to work for you rather than against you.


So magic tends to be really good at paying the bills, but have you ever thought about how many of your bills are voluntary? First we have the things that are more or less the norm and can only be paid for as recurring bills:: Cable, Internet, Phone, Investment fees, etc.

There are however a lot of things that we choose to have automatically debited from our bank accounts which are more leisure oriented: gym memberships, Weight Watchers, EZ Pass, Netflix, and so on. Once you agree to the contract, these stop being things that you think of as optional purchases, and instead fall mentally under the category of necessary bills. So much so that many people pay for these services for months without ever using them. I know I pay $17 a month to weight watchers and haven’t touched it in over a year. It just sort of fades into the financial background that we call “the bills”.

There is no reason that you cannot do to yourself what the government, gym, and all these other services have been doing for years: automatically deducting their cut from your checking account before you get a chance to blow it on tarot cards and DVD’s.

Most companies with direct deposit allow you to channel your paycheck into multiple accounts, either by percentage or firm number. You can very simply direct the company you work for to deposit a small amount from each check into your online high yield savings account*. From that account it is easy enough to can get your investment company (like Etrade) or brokerage firm (like Sharebuilder) to set up automatic investing into whatever you choose. You won’t want to do everything this way. Your resource investments in the “Stans” or your Mongolian Bond purchases are something you will want to be more hands on with.

By making your savings and investing something that is handled along with all your other recurring bills rather than something you have to initiate like a purchase you make them part of your necessary wealth. You shift wealth building from being something new that is done in addition to the norm, into being part of the norm. It becomes just another recurring expense, and the magic that is aimed at maintaining your normal expenses and keeping your status quo, handles those as well as your house and car.

Try it.



PS: Many thanks to Mr Gaspar in Germany for the awesome photo of the book. Your eye for color and style is amazing.

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Morgan Eckstein

That is really a cool picture.

Your Thursday Financial Sorcery Tip | Strategic Sorcery Blog | Wealth Building Tips

[…] strategy. WHAT IS NECESSARY. As anyone can see though, what exactly … … Read more: Your Thursday Financial Sorcery Tip | Strategic Sorcery Blog ← Residual Income: The Key to Making a Full Time Online Income […]


Any more tips for us ignorant sorcerers?
I mean where to start with all this investment, stock market etc stuff
what to read?


    For a book, start with mine 🙂 There is a chapter that deals with investments and such. Also read Ramit Sethi “I will teach you to be Rich”. Also the blog Get Rich Slowly.

    As for getting started investing. Here is what I do:

    1. Max out 401k, ESPECIALLY if your company matches. That is Free Money Baby!
    2. Make sure that all credit cards are paid down. It makes no sense to put money away to earn interest when you are paying interest on credit card debt.
    3. Open a Roth IRA. This will enable you to pay taxes on the money that goes in, rather than the money that comes out – which will be more than you put in. It also allows you to withdraw early with penalties in an emergency OR to keep the money in there as long as you want whereas a trad IRA you pay taxes on the withdrawal amount and have to withdraw it at 70 1/2 years old.
    4. Open a brokerage account somewhere and invest in an index fund. This is run by a computer, so you are not paying high fees to a fund manager. Rather than target specific investments, index funds are designed to follow a specific index’s overall performance, such as the S&P 500 or Dow Jones. Lifecycle funds are also interesting. They are similar to index funds, except that they balance the ratio of bonds to stocks based on your age. Thus if the market crashes when you are 75, you will mostly have bonds anyway and will be ok.
    5. If you still have money to invest after that, now you can start doing some targeted investing in things that look interesting. Thus the references to the Stans and Monglia in my post (resource harvesting and mining in Central Asia is set for a boom). You might also protect yourself against sovereign debt and the possibility of capitol controls instituted by the government by opening up off-shore accounts or physically storing Gold. I recently wrote an Invocation to Helios to protect a clients gold supply that he has Singapore. At the point that you are at step 5 though, you will want to either be adept at this stuff on your own, or have a solid financial advisor.


The set point: “It is not the point that you would like to be, it is the point that you are comfortable at”

Aren’t these things the same, unconsciously or not?


    Not even close.

    If you were raised in poverty, lower middle class, or even middle middle class chances are that you WANT more money. You want more money and a better life for yourself and your family. You WANT to travel the world. You WANT to eat foie gras off the belly of supermodels tied to your bed… ok, maybe that’s just me.

    The point is that those are places that you are not comfortable yet. You haven’t grown up that way and thus haven’t settled into being comfortable there. Your set point is working class, or middle management white collar. Even if you raised in a total crime ridden ghetto, or piss poor backwater mining town – you get comfortable with that. Thats why kids at those schools get beaten up for doing homework and trying to “act white” or “be elite”. Your set point is what you are comfortable with, what other people have told you to expect, and what somewhere deep down you feel that you deserve.

    This isnt just for money. The term comes from weight loss studies and speaking as someone who is significantly overweight, I am “comfortable” being as heavy as I am and eating like I do. I WANT to be thinner and fitter, but it is not comfortable.

    Same in love. People think that someone is “out of their league” based on their set point, meanwhile the super-hottie across the aisle from you thinks that you are so funny and charming that in his/her eyes you are quite a catch.

    Get it?

Catherine Coll

Jason, great insight about people being met at the level of their “needs.” I love your book…as someone of a spiritual bent who has gone from living across the street from a crack house to middle-class affluence (well into the 6 figures, fancy house/car) I found myself nodding in agreement again and again. You did a great job of articulating what works. I’ve run into some people who think they are some mighty-ass sorcerers who can’t even manifest a stable lifestyle…they need to read your book. I plan on using your methods to go to the next level which is financial independence. You had some really good insights in your book about this.

Catherine Coll

Sorry for the rapid-fire postings here, but I think a huge thing holding people back is the “monkey’s paw” factor, as in if you try to manifest money your whole family will die and you’ll get the insurance payment. I am not sure why people don’t bypass that by getting slightly more specific about how they want the money to come in. I.e. if you are throwing to earn money or to win money, well an insurance payment is neither earning nor winning, what’s the big issue? When you are throwing to EARN money it’s especially hard to see a downside or negative way for that to manifest, and when you are willing to work for what you have, the universe will rush to aid you. Just be specific about earning more than you already have 🙂

A reader

I recommend you “Mechanical trading systems” by Richard Weissman. He’s kagyupa.


Great points. I was reading this yesterday and thinking that one of my problems is my comfortable set point. While I believe money is a great tool, I’m wary of materialistic ways. So many people that I’ve met value money above all else, and often look at people and situations in a superficial way (i.e. a person is only as good or as valuable as the amount of money they have) and that’s a viewpoint I’ve been very critical of and tried to avoid my entire life to this point.

The problem is, it often has created the “only as much as you need, not as much as you want” attitude, if only at a subconscious level.

And on a side note, I find it interesting that after reading your post and deciding to re-examine my views on that, the next day I came across one of your books at a local occult store. Wasn’t looking for it, or even looking to purchase a book. I was just browsing. Of course, I bought it right away! Thanks for the informative work you do.


And also, it’s not so much a “want” aspect, because money for what’s wanted is not an issue (as in buying your book — I went there for other things and was able to get what I needed, and what was wanted, without forgoing anything). But, because of the economy, it seems to me that having not just a cushion on top of the needs and wants being met, which I have, but an EXTRA cushion is a good thing.

Taiji Day 157: Reverse Order « Wanderings in the Labyrinth

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