2 days until the Global Juno Rite!

Only Two More Days Until the Juno Global Success Rite

I am happy to once again be hosting the Juno Global Prosperity Rite on May 1st.

Of all the rites the Strategic Sorcery community did last year, this was the stand-out that launched bunch of new businesses and projects that yielded significant returns.

The rites are open to anyone in the Strategic Sorcery Course. So if you want a year of tried and tested lessons in practical sorcery AND the opportunity to participate in global rites with hundreds of others in an effort to catalyst your knowledge, power, and success; now is an EXCELLENT time to join the course.

If you want to learn more about the Global Juno Rite click here.

If you want more info on the Strategic Sorcery Course shoot me an e-mail at strategicsorcery@gmail.com

If you want to jump right in, all you have to do is join the Strategic Sorcery Course. So if you want a year of tried and tested lessons in practical sorcery AND the opportunity to participate in global rites with hundreds of others in an effort to catalyst your knowledge, power, and success; now is a good time to join the course.

Click the Seal to sign up.