Why is Sorcery of Hekate a Course and not a Book?

Yesterday someone asked why Sorcery of Hekate is a course and not a book. The short easy answer is that she demanded it be so, but that doesn’t really say much.

The fact is that I wanted to do a book on this material. It was going to be my beautiful hardbound,limited edition, artisanal publisher, bound in goat scrotum thing that seemed to be so important to so many people. But she said no. She let me use some of the material in Protection and Reversal Magic, but whenever I tried to say “Are we done? Can I publish a book?” She said “You are not done, and NO BOOKS!”

Now that over 300 people have taken the course I understand. It’s a bit like a martial art. One thing needs to be mastered before the next thing. Not just understood, but practiced until an experience comes. Especially in the early months, the order in which elements are added is everything. There needs to be that tension and change that comes from doing the mantra every day, making the offerings, saying the spells, meeting the spirits and doing the secret work behind all that. It cannot be read and then tucked away.

The next cycle starts on June 5th, which is coming up fast.

How The Course Works

The course will be taught through Bi-Weekly Audio Lessons and Ritual texts. This is followed by a recorded Question and Answer session the following week where I answer any questions you submit about that lesson.

The Three Commitments

1. You MUST do 100 repetitions of IO HEKA IO HO per day. It doesn’t matter if you are at your altar, it doesnt matter if you are in the right “headspace”, just do them. Do them in the car for all I care, it is about keeping this particular thread of fate running through your life during the practice. It take less than 5 minutes – if you can brush your teeth you can do the mantra. That said, there is a way to repair mistakes if you miss a few days.

2. You need to make an offering to Hekate on every New Moon during training. This can be a large ceremony, or a very simple offering of Incense and Wine while saying the Mantra just to keep the commitment. There will be other things that are strongly recommended for these days, but this is the minimum commitment.

3. As with all my classes the material is under a vow of Secrecy. This stuff is taught in a particular order and manner for a reason.

How Much Does It Cost?

$100 a month, for seven months, payable via paypal subscription.


If you prefer to weekly, bi-weekly, or up front options: click here. 

What Do Students Say About It?

“I. Adore. Hekate. And through this course she has taught me practical magic, good shit I definitely needed, that I will be forever grateful for. I budgeted for this and it was worth it. It was beyond worth it. This has been the magical bootcamp, the P90X/INSANITY workout system of magic that I was desperately looking for and begged my HGA to get me.And here it is.” 
– Scarlet Magdalene

” I’ve made more progress in my spiritual & magical practices in these 7 months than over the past 10 years. I rate the Sorcery of Hekate 15 out if 10 stars.”
– Kim Ellis

“Miller’s Hekate course is deceptive in its simplicity and effective beyond belief. It’s the ideal marriage of spiritual depth and down ‘n’ dirty practicality. Miller builds the techniques piece by piece and before you know it, you have a complete magical toolbox at your disposal, with the spiritual “oomph” to back it up. I can’t recommend it enough.”
– Catorina McDonald

“Its a significant investment of time and cash. I know, I was weary to make it myself. And without personal signs and portents that seemed to say “take the damn course, foo!” I wouldn’t have done it. And, frankly, if you don’t have that same nagging itch at the back of your aura to do this, I wouldn’t. Its not something to half ass. You will make a very personal connection to deep wells of power (not to sound too melodramatic. But don’t take the work lightly). I’m glad I took the dive. Its worth every penny. Total return on investment. This is an arcana that is damn near bottomless. It has SO MANY applications. Its been priceless to me. Happy Chanting…”
-John Stein

“If you dedicate yourself to it, the rewards are immense. Taking this course was the best decision I ever made. I now have a lifelong practice that is everything I’ve been looking for all these years. I love this course so much. It changed my life.” – Jennifer Larlee Larochelle

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