Sorcery of Hekate Payment Options

I have been getting a lot of questions about different payment options for the Sorcery of Hekate Training Course which starts on June 5th 2018, just 3 weeks from now.

If you don’t know anything about the course, pop over here for information and comments from students.

That main page, and most of the other advertisements for the course give a link for a payment of $100 a month for 7 months.
“This works out for most people, but if you prefer a different breakdown I have the following options.

Full Payment Up Front – $700

A lot of people ask to pay the full $700 up front. Use this link to pay all at once.

Bi-Weekly Payment – $50 every two weeks for 7 months

Some people get paid every other week. This option lets you link your subsciption to that same pattern.

Weekly Payment – $25 a week for 7 months

Sometimes a small weekly payment is the easiest to deal with. I can accomodate that as well.

Monthly Payment $100 a month for 7 months

The one that most people use.

It all winds up being the same amount in the end. There is no incentive to pay up front and no penalty for paying over time. Just use whatever option works best for you.

While you are here, check out what current students currently wrapping up the course have said just this week:

“For years I had felt a connection to Hekate, through Her various other titles, but I had never found a path that had true depth and richness until this one. In my practices before, anything I did that made me feel good, no matter how small-scale or short-term-only it was, was celebrated as an achievement. In Jason’s class I found a cure to my endless run of intro-level wisdom wrapped in different shiny bows. I found standards and structure (yes there really are wrong ways to do things!) that will support decades of growth and wisdom. It is not easy, and to me that is one of the course’s larger benefits.”
– Sam Grafamgra

Sorcery of Hekate is an astounding arcana and an amazing magical work that can be applied to all facets of your life. In learning through Hecate I also learned about myself.
This is not a quick fix, something that you read about and move onto the next new thing. It’s a personal commitment and a daily and ongoing journey of discovery.”
-Marco Felgueiras

“To put it simply, I feel like I know how this all works now. And by “this” I mean everything. Im completely committed to the system through daily ritual, which is no small feat as I generally am the definition of flakey and noncommittal. I can’t think of a better investment I could have made in myself. “
-Sarah L

“If you have a complete magical cosmology that works every time and fertilizes your growth every day, you might not need this course. But I’m willing to bet that you need this course.”
– Jimbo Kennedy

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