A 13 Minute Inside Look at Sorcery of Hekate

There is a recording I used to send out to people waiting for Sorcery of Hekate to start.  A student wrote me back and said “Jason, you should make this public, if I heard this recording I would have joined sooner than I did.”  It is the story of how this teaching came about, why its taught the way it is, and a preview of what we will be doing in the first few lessons. So, if you are on the fence about joining, I am told this has helped some people make a good decision.

Grab and listen to the 13 minute recording here. 

If you don’t want to listen, then what I really want you to know is that this is what I call DEEP TRAINING.  I started referring to this as a Deep Training because that is what the very first bit of student feedback I got about it was: “I am so tired of bouncing book to book, system to system. It was great to invest in something and go DEEP for a long period of time. I put more into this than any other system I worked, because it was worth putting that effort in. She gave back 1000 time what I put in both materially and spiritually. I have never done anything like it”. 

That is what this is all about really. One Goddess and a large retinue of powers and spirits, plus the Arcana that places you in their company and changes you and your life thereby.

Some people have remarked that its a hard course, and it is, but it can also be done at your own pace and everything is laid out in such a way that there is no confusion.



The course will be taught through Bi-Weekly Audio Lessons and Ritual texts. There will be periodic videos to support the material. This is followed by a recorded Question and Answer session the following week where I answer any questions you submit about that lesson.


There are three main commitments:
1. You MUST do 100 repetitions of IO HEKA IO HO per day. It doesn’t matter if you are at your altar, it doesnt matter if you are in the right “headspace”, just do them. Do them in the car for all I care, it is about keeping this particular thread of fate running through your life during the practice. It take less than 5 minutes – if you can brush your teeth you can do the mantra. That said, there is a way to repair mistakes if you miss a few days.

2. You need to make an offering to Hekate on every New Moon during training. This can be a large ceremony, or a very simple offering of Incense and Wine while saying the Mantra just to keep the commitment. There will be other things that are strongly recommended for these days, but this is the commitment.

3. As with all my classes the material is under a vow of Secrecy.


Choose one of the options below and you will be prompted to sign into the list for the course. I will take it from there!

$100 a month for 7 months

Billed once per month, 7 times


$25 a week for 28 weeks

Billed once per week, 28 times


“Sorcery of Hekate ripped me apart…and rebuilt me with a new faith in myself. I was able to do more things through this work than I have with any other magical course. “
-Tania Dakka

“This course has given me a method to focus my Sorcery through a lens to manifest my goals and desires. Don’t fool yourself, it takes work and dedication, a daily commitment and practice but it is worth it. Over the duration of this course I have used the Sorcery of Hekate to improve my life in business and also domestically. If you can afford this course and are prepared to dedicate and do the work you will gain a return on your investment.”
~ M.D

“Literally better than you can possibly imagine. If you want to completely rebuild your foundation as a magician with the great goddess of magic Herself, look no further.”
-Joseph Zabinski

This Arcana is the one that really works,…it smells of something long forgotten, lifting you up and enfolding your true Self in the process!”
-Fuad Belko

“SoH has provided me with an amplifier that I can plug my spellwork and practice into. You’re not just handed it though, it’s a machine that takes gradual and precise building, which Jason guides you through step by step – and it’s all the more powerful for it.”
– Charli Cohen

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