A Students Reflection on a Year of Strategic Sorcery

Happy Birthday Strategic Sorcery (1)I got this report this weekend from a student in the course that brought tears to my eyes. There are a lot of comments on various blogs about students not doing the work, not supporting the teachers, not showing up and using the stuff. That has not been my experience.  I get letters from students like this, and it just makes me want to do more.

An SS Testimonial

As I close in on a year of the Strategic Sorcery course I wanted to publicly thank Jason Miller. This has been hands down the most productive, affluent and magical year of my life.

As I started the course I had just stepped into a management position with a very large company. I questioned whether I would be able to do the SS course and handle the workload, family, and myriad of other interests that I persue.

Starting with the daily offerings I made it a point to do this without fail. I cannot understate the immense power that this has and continues to have in my life. Even with small requests I would simply ask in my morning offerings and BAM it would materialize in my life. My connection with the spirits that surround me has never been stronger and my faculties for communication have been blown open by this routine.

Meditation. Here I struggled in the beginning. I made it a point to do this at a minimum 3-5 days a week and continued throughout the last year. I am calmer, more focused, and have tapped into an inner strength that laid dormant for too long. I learned so much about myself and have gained a serious amount of control of my thoughts, actions, and emotional states. It took me about 30 days to finally “get it” when it came to the benefits. After that it was a slow, steady increase in all the tools mentioned above.

Magic. Wow, just wow. I have never connected so well with any one system or practitioner as I have with Jason and his work. I have been practicing for over two decades and this course was the defining milestone of my magical career. I used to sit and think about what’s real, how it works, question myself and so on. Now, it works, it works well and the why and how are an afterthought. The systems presented in this course overlaid on my own with ease routinely refining my exisiting skill set.

Iovis Optimus Maximus! The Jupiter work that we did this year along with the instructions in Jason’s works was the catalyst for a number of successes in my life professionally and otherwise. I have never had such a strong bond with any spirit as I do with the mighty Jove.

Life in general has gotten better. Being a veteran I suffer from ptsd and have many challenges that I perceived as holding me back. Throughout the last year I have grabbed a hold of these challenges, owned them, and become a more whole person. I have tapped into an inner strength that has helped me achieve greatness that I knew was possible but never thought would come to reality.

I found balance in my career, family, volunteer efforts, and life in general. 2015 brought FIVE pay raises, a promotion, several appointments to leadership positions in volunteer organizations and a much better relationship with my wife and son. I have never been busier doing more than I have ever done. But the workload seems easier than the years before. The systems that Jason laid out in the course have been applied to almost every aspect of my life with great benefits to myself and those around me.

In summary this course has changed who I am. The strategic sorcery course made my life better and not in a small way. I cant thank you enough Jason Miller. I made it a point to do all the work even if it didn’t resonate with me and it paid off in spades. Do the work, reap the benefits and get the results that you deserve.

Thank you for changing my life.


If you are interested in signing up for the new cycle of the course and participating in the global rites on Halloween, click here and come on in! 

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Stone Dog

I too can attest that never has my life been as productive and fulfilling as since I started applying Jason’s teachings. Of course, I had to work hard. But I had been working hard for many years before that, with very, very different results.

Case in point: tomorrow I will do the final ritual for a 7-day ritual practice for Jupiter and Juno. I chose these days because Jupiter is transiting my natal Jupiter very favourably. Well, I’m not even finished, and I had more breakthroughs in a project I’ve been working on this week alone than in the last YEAR. Suddenly, everything is falling into place and revealing me how I can maximise my financial and personal success with a few INSPIRED moves. My enthusiasm and motivation for the project has also skyrocketed.

Thank you Jason.

Thank you Jupiter. Thank you Juno.


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