Better Wrong than Vague

14516431_1233412360035982_5058739212713516916_nI have a saying when it comes to divination: “Don’t be afraid of being wrong, be afraid of being Vague”.

In other words when you are reading, it is better to commit to an interpretation and be clear than it is to leave room for interpretation by being vague. Real Data can be taken by the client and judged against other kinds of data: rumors, actions, news, events, or even just common sense. Corroborating data is how you build actionable intelligence.

Occasionally your method of divination will give a result that is differs from your own assessment of a situation. This happens to me all the time. A lot of people will try to interpret the divination to fit their assessment, my recommendation is to not do that. You can use the facts of a situation to aid your interpretation, but you need to guard against using your own assessment. Even if you end up telling the client “Well the cards/bones/runes tell me X, but personally I would advise doing Y”, that is better than corrupting your divination. Own them both fully: the divination and your own thoughts.

Honestly, when this does happen, its almost embarrassing how often a deck of cards is right and I am wrong.

Lets also not forget that the very best readings are in fact wrong. They are wrong because they aided the client in changing their situation. It is WAY better to look back and think “Wow that reading helped me dodge a bullet!” than it is to think “So that’s what that prophetic riddle was referring to… ”
In August I did a three card reading on the Presidential race and my interpretation was that Donald Trump would win. The fool, slips behind the woman with good judgement and discernment, and winds up sitting on the Emperors throne. I don’t want to get too deep into politics here on the blog, and I respect people that feel differently, but I am a Hillary supporter, so this was a reading that flew in the face of both my hopes and my assessment. pres

As we get closer to the election, and the polls are reflecting an 80% chance of a Clinton win, and possibly even a democratic landslide, a number of people have asked if I am sticking with my interpretation. After all, that woman might be using her sword to cut the fool off from Emperor – which would be a totally great interpretation, except that it is not what jumped out at me at the time.

It is however something I used in a spell later that week. I consecrated a small metal sword and placed it over the sword in the Judgement card for three days, praying over it and linking it to her. I then used the sword to cut a line and move the fool card over, away from the rest of the reading, and asked that it slice open the veil of secrecy around the Fool (Trump in my interpretation), and expose him as much as his balls are exposed in this card.

I placed the Judgement card over the emperor card and bound them together with string. After the spell I slipped the cord off and reunited the cards to the rest of the deck, taking care not to un-knot the string, which I keep in a place where I keep that kind of thing…

Of course I did and do other political workings, many with a small group of people who can gather links from key counties and locations, but I wanted to share this as an example of how you can take a reading and literally use it to change the result.

pres-2I also want to share that DECKS matter. Many people will say “thats not how I would interpret the fool, or Justice, or the Emperor” and are thinking of their own decks. But that is irrelevant. The images mean something. If I used even another Tarot deMarseilles deck, the interpretation might have been different. For example, if I used the Robledo Deck the Emperor and Fool would have both been facing Justice and I would have interpretted that the woman in the Justice card is stepping forward even though she is flanked on her right by a fool and on her left by an older man….

But whatever you do in your divination, is to be specific and committed, even if you wind up being wrong. Wrong is better than vague.


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Ivy Bromius

I can’t tell you how much I agree with this! There are so many times when I’m reading and get a strong impression on something and that little voice of doubt will say “wow, that’s really dictatorial, maybe you should hedge.” But it always works better when I don’t. Not to mention all the times where my own advice is diametrically opposed to the cards… I make a point of sticking with the cards and, you know, they are usually right. Reading isn’t about what I think, it’s what the cards think… I’m just the interpreter.

Andrew Watt

I agree with this. Lately, I’ve found it much easier to hedge and cast doubt on my own readings for myself; but since seeing your talk at Crucible 2016, I’ve found it much easier to be forthright and specific in my readings for other people. My divinatory tool of choice is still geomancy, but you sold me on the Marseille style tarot, too. I’m practicing, so I can add it to my repertoire.

But again, this is one of the reasons that the Strategic Sorcery course is so useful. You have a lot of advice about this sort of thing — divination, conjuring, consecration — that results in rock-solid improvement in magical process. And this bit is no exception. Thanks.


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