Black Gator Hand Talismans

gator-handSomeone recently noticed that I have not offered any talismans for sale on my blog for over a year now. Most of them get bought up by folks in my course, who get first shot at them. This time though, I made a BUNCH.

These bags are  special conjure bags that are in the grip of gator claws. I have been making them on and off for years now and they have helped a lot of people draw money, obtain employment, get promoted, start businesses, and claw their way out of trouble. In fact they are the perfect conjure hand for the fiscal apocalypse or to deploy in those times of emergency and strife. I have made green and red ones for long term, and fast action work many times before, but these Black Hands can only be made when certain omens appear, which they did, around the fall equinox.

A note: These are not evil, but they are wrathful. They will work for you no matter what. They will kick ass and take names, and not let anyone or anything stand in the way of your success, so employ them with care.

Every order will be accompanied by a short guide to using the black hand. 

A few words from Gator Hand recipients:

“A family member had been injured by a faulty product and there was a lawsuit going on. However, the giant company on the other side pushed the case into federal court, where the expenses for everything were much higher. And they refused over and over to come to any kind of settlement. Our attorney made it clear that if we went to trial we’d probably come away with nothing as the mounting costs would eat up any judgement. He suggested we may have to drop the suit and give up.
When I received the black gator hand, I fed it whisky and put a petition under it.
When they suddenly offered a settlement our lawyer was shocked. When our lawyer offered to take no fee and just cover his expenses we were shocked. It wasn’t some giant amount of money, but it paid the outstanding medical bills and gave us a little cushion.
I did a TON of magic over the course of this whole saga (which took several years) but I credit the black gator hand with getting us over the finish line and pulling success from the jaws of defeat.”


“I’ve been wearing my Black Gator Hand around my neck for the past 4 days or so. I love it! There is an uptick of good things happening.”

– Kenrick Cleaveland

“I bought a black gator mojo from Jason a few years ago. It was AWESOME. Not only did my career get an incredible boost (I was offered the opportunity to open and run a satellite branch of a marketing firm here in Austin…a position I still have today), but more importantly, it brought a lot of my hangups about money and finances to my conscious attention. I’m still working through those (yes, years later!), but I credit the hand with showing me my obstacles and helping me craft a path through them.”
– SD

There are only 20 left. Cost of the Hands is $75. Just click the link below. All orders will be mailed within 2 weeks.

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