The Black School of St Cyprian

Registration now Open. Classes Begin on February 5th 2019 The first article I ever wrote about St Cyprian was back in 2007. I wrote it to fulfill a pact with him, one that sparked a series of teachings that have spanned the last 11 years and which I now feel ready to share with you […]

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Advice about Advice

It is new years day and you have probably been inundated with lists of advice for the new year. I posted my own advice just a few days ago, but I have one more bit of advice – it relates to how you process advice generally. With a very few exceptions there is no good […]

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6 Tips for a Strategic and Sorcerous New Year

2018 is coming to a close and even though it is nothing more than a flip of a calendar page – somehow we can’t help but give it meaning. More meaning than it probably should have. I just read Charli Cohen’s excellent piece “Why You’re Supposed to Hate Yourself in January” which punches back at […]

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Helpless Ghosts – Yuletide Musings #1

Dickens A Christmas Carol plays a big role this time of year at our house. This will be the third year that we see the play as a family at the McCarter Theater, and the first year where the kids partially read the book to us rather than us read it to them. It goes without […]

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How to Work a Workbook in 2019

What do Mastering Witchcraft, The Four Hour Work Week, Modern Magick, I Will Teach You To Be Rich, and Liber Null and Psychonaut all have in common? They are all workbooks that I have worked through step by step, and which drastically helped transform my life. As we approach New Years a lot of people […]

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Sorcery of Hekate Began Today!

I want to thank the record number of people who signed up for Sorcery of Hekate this cycle. I continued to be awed by the faith you put in me, and pray that I live up to it. If you signed up, you should have Lesson 1 in your inbox and an invitation to the […]

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WHOLE MAGIC: Perception vs Projection

Every interaction you have ever had with any person, place, or thing was a combination of accurate perception of actual events and your own mental projection. Your memory of that moment is just that: YOUR memory. If you go back and look at it with others who were there you will see how different it […]

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This course is the crown of my training programs, and I do not think I am exaggerating when I say that there is NOTHING LIKE THIS out there. If you want to get in on a system of magic that is worth the work you put in, this is it. It is rooted in both […]

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Review of Besom, Stang & Sword

From this moment on, when someone in North America asks me for a book on Traditional Witchcraft, I will be recommending Besom, Stang & Sword from Christopher Orapello and Tara-Love Maguire. Why? Because this book takes what I feel is the most essential truth of any real Witchcraft and places it front and center: Witchcraft […]

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