Field Report Friday: HOMELESS TO 6 FIGURES

In Strategic Sorcery we used to have a weekly thing called Field Report Friday where folks would post their successes, failures, or anything in between so that we can inspire each other with magic that works, troubleshoot magic that didn’t work, and optimize magic that worked just OK.  A friend reminded me how helpful this was so I am re-instituting it. Some sensitive reports will have to remain just within the Strategic Sorcery community, but I plan on posting some here on the BLOG.

The report below is long, but the details matter. It is a report that inspires me to apply magic not only to me, but others that I love and care about. I hope it will do the same for you as well.

Kat S. Strategic Sorcery Field Report:

Brief Summary:

After being laid off from her breadwinner career position, my sister became homeless with 3 kids to feed, across the country far away, legally blocked from moving to more fruitful cities. A year and a half of job searching had come up bust. After a magical stumble on my part, I put everything I learned to the test to help save her. And now she just landed a job in this far away place, making her old 6-figure income level, and a family is pulled from disaster.

Full Report:


I began SS in mid-2014, with a prior base of zero sorcery knowledge and a lifetime of detailed prophetic dreams and other weirdness, but that’s it. I then took Level Up, TBYM, Sorcery of Hekate beginning to advanced, and all but a couple Arcane Audios. I have had remarkable and miraculous personal success, much just falling into place with easy workings, but had yet to work on another’s needs. Graduation time.


My sister fell to extreme circumstances. She was laid off from her 15-year-six-figure IT job, a year and half ago, and ran through all savings and sellable resources in 8 months, as she was the family breadwinner with 3 sports-loving tall kids to feed. She couldn’t find a job, and after a year things went from bad to horrible when she moved from Reno to rural Kentucky following her usually-unemployed partner/kids’ father, who got a just-scraping-by job there. Then he promptly left her and the kids. She needed her old income level stat. She became homeless with 3 kids in a place she knew no one, for a short bit living from a car, and the biological father of her kids blocked her legally from moving or leaving the area, yet he gave zero child support. He began gaming the system, his childhood best buddy as judge. It felt like a set-up, she and the kids inches from living in the gutter, few IT jobs around to be won.

We started supporting her, expensive as it’s paying for another family living remote, got her into an apartment with a table and air mattresses in total for furniture. It was hard to help other than sending money as she was two time zones away, and she was trapped.

She was applying everywhere possible, hitting up any headhunter, every big business. She kept getting interviews and was told over and over “Well you are the most qualified and we think you are amazing! But Mr X over here, he has a family to support, and we know someone must be taking care of you, so we need to hire him instead” (when she had showered at a gym and slept in her car that night), and “We can’t hire a woman when a man needs the job too” (yes, blatant gender discrimination); or “Oh we thought you were a man!” and the interview ends in five minutes. (She has a gender neutral name.).

And more travails befell, like tire blowouts, weird extra expenses, severe asthma attacks and more. She was severely stressed, at her breaking point, with three kids looking up to her for foundation in life. She felt like giving up. I was deeply worried for her.

The Sorcery:

I knew I had to act magically for her. Physically helping, trying to refer her to network contacts for interviews, paying apartment rent, wasn’t enough. She was destitute and the kids were starving. (We upped our support, but still it was beans and potatoes only, scraping nickels for gas, putting off bills, only necessary car driving, no medical insurance, and so on.)

At first I forgot everything Jason taught me (stage fright, and what would my sister think?) and just did a candle spell for a job. That was a bust. ZERO effect.

More intent, materia, and a spell for a job paying over 60k. Result in a few days time was lackluster but in the right direction: a $10 per hour job. She can now pay half of her bare-survival expenses. Not good enough. But she takes the job.

More bad luck events hit her and the kids. She begins to think she’s been cursed by someone in his family (possibly). Ask to ditch “lightweight magic” for fear of offending her in favor of asking her if I can do whatever it takes, send her things, receive written petitions from her, mail me her links, contact any spirit I deem necessary to assist ….I receive a “yes please ” and I then assume major strategic planning.

Time to Think, WWJD? (Lol, What would Jason Do?) Oh yeah, divine divine divine! Strategize! Planning of a major coordinated effort!

Assault time! Stack workings! Road opening, cleansing, baths, sigils, levels, multiple angles, she needed it all. This was a Saturnian journey, The Death Journey of her life.

The first road opening made a candle blow up and turn inky black in my temple. Step back, reassess. Divine. Move forward. Next road opening won’t stay lit. Stop. Divine. Send her protection amulet (Hekatean), commune with four Kings re blasting road blocks and damns, major road opening offensive, work a mojo bag for interviews and mail it, plan working for attraction, Hekatean working for life abundance, angels contacted for right job opportunities. After every working came a flood of interviews, all within 24-48 hours of my working, then the momentum would slow again, no longer “no’s” but no “yes’s” either. Protection amulet disappears, what? Divine. New protection sent. Print out LinkedIn resumes of all interviewers. Look for their signature online. More of her personal links. Send her baths. Work the levels. Work the elements. Spend time with deities and spirits. Divine.

Message: Stop simply working this and THEN that, but instead work EVERYTHING CONCURRENTLY like a symphony. Work. Everything. Concurrently.
Did I say work everything concurrently?

The morning after Big Orchestrated Symphony efforts began, she receives a call from a perfect job match at her old six figure pay level! Repeat : Old Pay Level Opportunity, first of the entire job hunt.

Enchant the call. Enchant the interview.


Amazing interview. But she’s up against one man. She’s better, so she WILL get this job! More workings. Second interview two days later.

Preliminary job offer! Major Fish on!

Keep working through the background check after the initial offer. Keep working the blessings on reference check. Two supervisor references have disappeared, but they want those….bless that part. She needs her lifetime immunization records? She can’t get those. Records too old, schools don’t have them, childhood doctor long dead. Enchant that because what over-40 adult has that?! Keep working the sweetness of the offer. Bless her ravaged credit score, keeping it from consideration. Keep working the attraction of the hiring managers. Keep on until it’s sealed.

Next Result:

Well, folks, as of yesterday, IT’S SEALED!!! 😍 Without all the final crazy details fulfilled, they gave all clear anyway. She starts Monday. She’s hired!

And better than hoped:
It’s in a community nearby to her current location, one that is active with bike riding, her dream to be in that sort of environment again. And it has incredible perks like automatic admission of her kids to the university without admission scores needed (it’s a university IT position) and half price tuition, and full ride medical insurance. And they are equal opportunity. And it feels good to her, really good. It’s better than we could have dreamed. Abundance rains again.

I will keep blessing the position for her and her coming life circumstances, child support from an absentee father, protection and so on, but basically:

It’s done. I worked harder than I expected, harder than I ever have for myself. I learned how hard I should be working for myself for those giant issues I had shelved. I learned what Jason means by Strategic Sorcery.

It feels like a final exam. And I passed!

Follow up:UPDATE – Making the magic stick!\

Update on helping my sister from homeless to a six figure job:

I have kept doing supportive work for my sister, ensuring she did not backslide to any of the nightmarish existence that had befallen her.

The work has been simple, with only the Graces for continued increases in blessings, some easy continued money magic, and simple protection work.

New result:

She is getting a promotion after only about 6 months on her new job, taking over the position of her boss, and will be receiving a substantial pay raise. She was already over six figures in annual income, and now she is going to be quite substantially over the floor of a six figure income.

She has a new home and a new dog and a new car. She has new friends and a great supportive new community. She is thriving.

It’s interesting how much heavy lifting the initial “shock amd awe” campaign felt to get her out of homelessness and joblessness, versus how it felt since then to just keep boosting her momentum. It’s sort of like the difference between starting a freight train versus swinging on a swing set where you give an assistance push from behind. Because of her momentum, the assistance push gave her more huge gains of tens of thousands of dollars a year. Sweet.

So this magic has stuck, and then some.

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