Thanksgiving as a Practice

“Remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.” -Epicurus Today is Thanksgiving here in America. Though I hate that Christmas  season starts so early In a way I am glad, because it doesnt allow any room for massive consumerist nonsense to arise around Thanksgiving. Songs, specials, and decorations […]

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The Business of Magic

By now most of my readers will have heard about the arrest of E.A. Koetting. I had decided yesterday to not comment on it. Beyond finding the people getting their joy out of his suffering to be reprehensible, I really have no opinion one way or the other. Because I was interviewed by him and let […]

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Guest on Lessons in Joyful Living

I will be a guest on Lessons in Joyful Living this afternoon. Tune in to this interview today 1pm Eastern, 10am Pacific. You can log into Live Chat — http://lijlnetwork.com/chat or call in — 866-404-6519 to ask questions. http://lijlnetwork.com/…/lessonsinjoyfulliving/articles/6858

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The Golden Verses of Pythagoras

I am doing a preliminary outline of a possible workbook of Stoic exercises and meditations. In the course of doing so I was reminded of the Golden Verses of Pythagoras, which some believe influenced Stoicism. Possibly as old as 3BC ,I thought I might share it here. Despite its frequent connection to the Neoplatonists who […]

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Vajrakilaya Seminars with Vajranatha

I have known Vajranatha (John Reynolds) for 23 years and consider him to be my most important teacher both in Tantra and Magic in general. Everything I know about Tibetan Magic and Tantra I learned through him, even stuff I learned from other lamas took on new life when going over the material with his […]

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There are few in the field today that have both technical expertise and a genuine love of the spirits. A man who is as on-fire with the Holy Spirit as a tent-revival preacher, but who can make complex evocation instruction as clear as your ABC’s. Rufus Opus is that kind of Priest-Magician. For years he […]

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Andrieh’s Shapeshifting Course

Andireh’s Shapeshifting course has proven so popular that he is running another  cycle starting in December. Better yet, he has a special deal for readers of Strategic Sorcery: use the code STRATEGIC and get a $30 discount on the course! Go HERE to sign up. Honestly for the price he is charging it is a […]

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