Autumn is upon us! Can you feel it? Autumn REEKS of magic. The veil really does seem thin as we get closer to Hallowmass and the days of the dead. Must be the Season of the Witch. I am very passionate about people making their magic effective, which is why I made a one year course […]

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Faith in Magic and Yourself

Students of the famous Mahasiddha Milarepa were once badgering him about who he was the reincarnation of. A loose translation of the story goes something like this: Sudents: Oh Great and Powerful Milarepa, so can do so much amazeballs wizardly shit that we are sure you must be the reincarnation of some powerful saint. Please, tell […]

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Money, Time, and Attention.

When you are just starting out as an adult you tend to have a shortage of money, but lots of time to accomplish everything you need. During this period, a DIY mentality serves you well: from mundane tasks like repairing your own plumbing and fixing your car to magical tasks like making your oils and […]

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Advice for the Individual vs. Society

Simple concept that is important to strategic thinking: advice that you might give to an individual may not be appropriate advice for society at large, and vice versa. Simple enough right? It should be, but I see people mixing up the two all the time. It’s important to keep them separate. It’s no secret that […]

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The Cyprian Handbook

2014 has absolutely been the year of St Cyprian. Apart from the two major works that came out this year: Jake Stratton Kent’s Testament of Cyprian The Mage and José Leitão’s Book of St Cyprian, The Sorcerer’s Treasure, there has been enormous interest in all parts of the world. Now that it is September, the days of the feasts […]

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The Benefits of Asana

Last week I replaced my most important magical tool. I had some fun letting the Strategic Sorcery group guess what that might be before someone rightly guessed that it was my Zafu. Matt Brownlee and I took a drive over to Samadhi Cushions, visited the actual workroom where they are made, took an assortment out […]

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Market Sorcery – Apprentice Guest Post

As a follow up to my Financial Forecast post, one of my apprentices decided to do a guest post and talk a bit about about how he uses Sorcery as an investor and business person. Most of what I write about is aimed at people who want a comfortable and stable financial situation. Here is […]

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