Money, Time, and Attention.

When you are just starting out as an adult you tend to have a shortage of money, but lots of time to accomplish everything you need. During this period, a DIY mentality serves you well: from mundane tasks like repairing your own plumbing and fixing your car to magical tasks like making your oils and magical tools from scratch.

As you get older you hopefully become more successful and money stops being in such short supply. Sadly most people at this stage face a deficit of time. Serious careers, kids, and passions soon make it impossible keep up with all the demands on your time. Suddenly it makes more sense to pay someone to fix crap, mow your lawn, and make your oils and tools.

Hopefully you get that shit whipped into shape too: You streamline your life so that everything from business stuff. to family time, to personal time is happening in a good balance. Now your problem is attention: even with maximized time and infinite money you cannot give attention to everything, so where do you place it?

When you get to this point you start to jettison a lot of stuff.  Some decisions are easy. Here’s a hint: if you regularly watch anything on USA network you should re-think where your attention is going. Other choices are more difficult and bound to piss people off when you withdraw or do not give as much of your bandwidth as they would like.

So Strategerati, why am I pointing this out to you? Because if you are like me your passion for sorcery and the occult is so strong that it creates an added draw against money, time and attention beyond what most people experience. Same is true for those who are self-employed. If you are both? OUCH.

Here is what I want you to keep in mind:

ITS CYCLICAL: This progression of Money, Time, Attention deficit is not a single progression through life, it’s a cycle. When you get all three of them nailed down pretty well you will find a new opportunity for Money, which again creates a poverty of Time, and eventually attention needs to shift. The cycles get tighter each time you go through it, and eventually you adjust all three of them simultaneously.

WHERE IS YOUR POVERTY?: Too many wealth Sorcerers are focused directly on money. Figure out where in your life the real poverty lies. It might indeed be money, but it might be time or attention. Focus on where you really need the help and fire your Sorcery at that.

BE MINDFUL OF WHERE OTHER”S DEFICIT LIES: We all need things from other people. Maybe it at a teacher like me, maybe it’s your boss at work, maybe it is people you are trying to get to donate to a cause, maybe its someone even closer like your spouse or best friend.

If you are short on time and have people around you that are not, they might not understand why you can’t hang anymore, its up to you to explain. If someone has a specific method for people to access them through, make sure you know it and use it. If you have lots of time and are trying to get the attention of someone who doesn’t, be brief and to the point. If you write me a couple sentences with a question I can answer briefly chances are I will get back to you in a day or two. If you write me a 2000 word e-mail asking me to explain a whole system of magic, you won’t get an answer.

MANAGE YOUR ENERGY AS WELL: Whatever of the three deficits you are focusing on, you must be mindful of your energy. You can schedule your creative time in the morning, but if you have more energy and focus at night for that then you are managing yourself poorly. You can decide to work three or more jobs for extra money, but your energy will give out as we tragically found out this week. Keeping healthy, eating right, managing caffeine efficiently, and knowing your own cycles are key to making the most of your money, time, and attention.

CHOOSE YOUR TOOLS WISELY: Do you have a scheduling app? A method of note taking? A System for getting things done? There are apps and tools for making money, managing time, and managing attention: make use of them. I am fond of Google Keep for notes, Mint for money management, Calm for short meditation sessions, Rescue Time for getting focused writing done, and ZenToDone as an overall system of management. But I am tweaking it all the time. I will be testing out Todoist this week to see if it offers anything I need.

At the same time, make sure you know what tools NOT to use. I recently turned off all my phone notifications for Facebook messages and E-mails. I have started to again shop with cash rather than an ATM card. Never let your tools use you.

USE MAGIC: Meditation of course is something that you knew I was going to bring up. It is a great help keeping focused. So is unfocused silent time. I had some success recently with praying to Zurvan for managing my time. Planetary minded mages should keep the powers of Luna, Mercury, and Saturn in mind just as much as Jupiter and Sol. Time, thought, and discipline are as important as expansion and inspiration.

Offerings also are a huge help in smoothing things out. You would be surprised at what the un-names local spirits of your neighborhood and workplace can accomplish with less effort than a Goetic Demon. Make offerings and allies, and you won’t even have to ask.

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 32 comments

Hi Jason I am keeping this short and you have never responded to me. I need some help, but I have been reluctant because sometimes your criticisms are to harsh and prejudging. I have been and am still a hard working person. I practice magick dilegently and often. I know when things reoccur people think it is always the persons fault. I try everything I come in on time , I work with effort I have a good attitude , I am a fast learner, sometimes I think we need to stand up for ourselves at work. For to many years I have seen lazy . incompetent people get ahead of me. I keep gettting screwed over and over and I have tried many different planetary approaches to goetia ones. Please be understanding I have had a lot of success in magick and my jobs and other kinds of defense magick works extrordinarly well, but not at work it seems. Could you make some magick suggestions, please?

    Elinor Prędota

    That’s short? O.o

    Reject Dogma

    For to many years I have seen lazy . incompetent people get ahead of me. I keep gettting screwed over and over and I have tried many different planetary approaches to goetia ones.

    I hope you aren’t offended by this, but odds are you’re not “getting screwed over.” There’s something else going on here. Those folks are getting promoted over you because they are doing something you are not. Or, even worse, there are things you’re doing that make you unpromotable.

    Try and identify those things that might be an issue here. Are they more deferent to authority? Do they get along better among your co-workers? Do they do as the boss asks, rather than what obviously needs doing more? Do they dress more like their peers, and noticeably different than you?

    They got promoted because someone thought they were more worthy of the promotion than you. Figure out why, then fix that.


      I think you did not listen to a word I said, I have tried everything, I knew this would happen. Now your going to say I am but hurt for disagreeing, offended no, but sometimes it does happen and I have seen it happen to other people to. In a special about Bruce Lee , he was one of the best and he got screwed, a celebrity who liked Bruce Lee, said the best do not always get the position. I am not comparing myself to Bruce Lee at all, just saying it does not happen to degenerate losers, if anything I have often seen the oppsosite. No they do not do what the boss asks, they leave a lot of work undone, they do not always get along with co-workers, some circumstances vary. I am a very pull your self up by the boot straps and I have had a history of being bullied and I have been assaulted at work , twice with a knife and yes I physically defended myself

        Reject Dogma

        Again, this is not intended to be offensive, but here’s what I’m seeing.

        You are certain that the world is treating you unfairly, and that there is no share in your plight that’s accountable to your actions, or you in general.

        Lose the attitude, develop some humility, and work the problem. There is a reason others are being promoted rather than you, and it’s not “the best people always get screwed, just like Bruce Lee and Me.” Nope. That’s not it.

        There is a reason out there, and it’s right under your nose. You probably see it every day, but it’s possible you despise it, you’re too arrogant to admit its importance, or you don’t have to insight to see what’s right there in front of you.

        You could ask someone (like your boss) why this is. But going in with an accusative attitude won’t work. Develop some humility. Admit that you have some share in the results to date, because once you admit that you give yourself the power to change the situation.

        But you won’t get there like this.

        Christine Opland

        Where exactly do you work that you were attacked with a knife? And why did you not report the incident? To me it sounds like you need to concentrate your energy on finding a safer job.


    Not to simply parrot Reject Dogma but yeah, there IS a reason.

    Do you look like an unmade bed? Get your shirts cleaned and pressed at the dry cleaner every week, get them tailored to fit you, get jackets that actually match your body type.

    Do you actually tow the line? What do you mean by “stand up for yourself?”

    Honestly it might not hurt to simply ask why? Ask for a meeting and politely yet frankly ask why you have been passed over. Don’t do this to complain, do it to really find out so you can change your course.

    Then employ the magic to support your new efforts. Use the Lightning glyphs for promotion, sweetening, revering bad luck, and defeating competition.


      Well I think your living in a fantasy if you think, doing all the right things always works, yes my personal hygienne and appearance is good, my work ethic is good, I come in on time, etc. I am not 18 years old, well I gave it a try I kind of expected this from you , I will keep trying on my own.



        First of all you came on here with a chip on your shoulder about me not responding to you. I gave an honest answer that I stuck by that included things to look at in yourself (not just are you clean and on time, but EXCELLING).

        I gave you ways to find out things you are not thinking of (ask)

        I then gave suggestions for magic (four Glyphs that have worked wonders for many, linked to new efforts).

        Beyond giving a free 90 minute consultation what do you want?

        Clearly though I must be living in a fantasy for thinking that there are reasons for something, and you could not possibly be wrong about how perfect you are.

        I was actually in a similar position about 12 years ago at an internet start-up. There was no dress code and our team never saw the public. I was passed over for promotion several times and when someone that I did not think was as good as I was got promoted over me I asked why. The answer was that he just seemed more invested in his career. I did my job and did it well, but I clearly had other things going on in like (mostly secret occult stuff) whereas this guy socialized primarily with people at work and made connections. He also wore a tie and looked damn sharp every day, whereas I took full advantage of the loose dress code. As far as work goes, they thought he was just a good if not better, primarily because he put on the appearance of business much better than I did when there was down time.

        I can almost promise you that the day you stop insisting to youself that it is not you, and find your part in it, you will be better off. Yes sometimes people get screwed over, as Bruce Lee did not not the consistent passing over that you are describing.

          Norene Childs

          Hi Cybermage,
          I’m in the same position, been at this job for 7 years. I don’t socialize with the employees, I do not spend money on all these baby-showers, birthdays, and various work donations (I need candles, oils, books and other $@*t! Hell, I don’t even buy myself clothes!). I don’t share my personal life, I come in 20 minutes early every day, don’t miss a day of work, the whole nine yards. We are short-staffed and the majority of my co-workers are late every day, take 2 hour lunches, come in 3-4 out of 5 days a week, etc. I felt exactly the same as you – no promotions, minimal if any raises, no one will listen to my ideas (or steal them), I am not listened to regarding issues with the work, can’t get approval on training, on and on. I was angry, stressed, resentful and felt the same as you.

          I had to get to a point to stop “caring,” sit down and get real. “This is not my company, they can do what they want.” I am a student of the occult – I had to be specific on what I wanted and work it from there. I quit wasting my magic on that job (I successfully worked a slight spell to get peace from a supervisor who was harassing me). I felt I was already putting in way too much energy that I needed in my magic anyway – why waste it there!? Yes, I’m still there now with a new mind-set because I have “bigger fish to fry.” I decided this would be my last job, I’ve resurrected a business to build for my support (and work magic through) – even that decision brightened my outlook. The benefits at the job are very good, it’s the management that’s a killer and I had to step back, pick things apart on what’s going to assist me in my goals. It ain’t easy, I had to shift the focus on myself, fix my issues, reprogram myself, and take it from there. One more thing, it may be what you need to strengthen weak areas of your life. Just my experience and 2-cents. Much success to your journey.


    Where do you work? You don’t have to answer that, but it’s the first thing that popped into my mind when I read your request for suggestions. If you work for any state for federal entity as a contractor or civil servant, I empathize with everything you say. I also feel the sting of the answers provided to you because they also strike me as somewhat accusatory.

    The thing is, if you work for an entity of this sort, one discovers many skaters within that type of environment. It’s an environment ripe for allowing those with less than a stellar work ethic to arrive, do the bare minimum (i.e. their job description only), get their paycheck (notice I said “get” versus “earn”), and clock out promptly at day’s end, if not a minute or two earlier when the boss ain’t looking.

    Anyone with a solid work ethic is treated like a doormat in those spaces, and any magic you do to shift that situation isn’t going to do much. I’ve seen this happen and have been on the receiving end of it. We all encounter good employers and bad employers.

    That being said, listen to the advice you’ve been provided, especially talking to your boss. Do that first. Find out what is going on and why. Do exactly what they want you to do, no more, no less.

    In the meantime, anyone with strong ethics must, at some point, turn inwards and do some serious soul searching. If you have truly done this, then it is time to enchant for another job.


      Why is it accusatory to ask someone to look at themselves for their part? This is what I don’t understand.


        I agree with Jason. You should always ask if it’s something you’re doing.

        However, one book that might be of interes is Robert Greene’s 48 Laws of Power. He points out (in fact it’s his first law) that while making a strong effort to be a great employee is good, if you try TOO hard, it can work against you, because your superiors might think you’re after their jobs. If that’s their impression of you, they might pass you over for a promotion so that you won’t be competition for them.

        Obviously I don’t know your situation, just thought I’d offer my two cents.


        I said the same; look within and soul search to discover your role in things.

        It was the tone of the posts which sounded somewhat (I did use this term) accusatory. I stated this because without knowing the individual’s full situation, it is difficult to provide appropriate advice/suggestions and it may be best to temper any such advice with a bit more sympathy if questions to clarify one’s situation are not asked prior to doing so.

        It was obvious to me cybermage was upset. Though I fully agree with what you say, how one says it can make a huge difference in how it is received.

    Stone Dog

    @ Reject Dogma and Inominandum
    While I agree with you in principle, I think “There is a reason out there, and it’s right under your nose” is both harsh and optimistic. You speak from the point of view of the american work environment, where actual merit seems to count a lot more than in other countries. Cybermage is clearly not an English native speaker, so let’s give him the benefit of the doubt, shall we?

    The unemployment rate among Italians under 35 just passed 40% last week. They can’t ALL be doing something wrong you know, unless you count not being the son/nephew/concubine of Someone with a capital S as doing something wrong. I know many of them who have honestly tried their best for up to 10 YEARS now to no avail. They are still trying, but I’m sure many others are just as desperate and angry as cybermage, and while “poor me” is obviously not going to work in their favor, I also wouldn’t accuse them of being the problem.

    @ cybermage
    As someone that has (so far) tripled his income within six months of taking up Strategic Sorcery and closely following Jason’s advice, I’d like to offer you mine.

    You seem to think that you are being treated unfairly, and for all I know, that may very well be. But here’s the thing: most of us are, in one way or another. It’s not your life that is unfair, it’s life in general. I know, some lives are more unfair than others. That’s so unfair, right? Get out of the soccer game mentality. You can’t cry “foul” here. It’s more like guerrilla on the slopes of an active volcano. Stop complaining and do what you have to do to survive. Fairness is something we should try to create for others, but not something we should expect from them, and certainly not from “life”. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you will start seeing new ways to improve your situation.

    You say you have tried many different approaches and none of them seem to work. Could it be that the problem lies with the sorcerer, and not the technique? You sound frantic, very negative, overly emotional, depleted by years of teeth-grinding frustration. How do you expect your magic to work? Effective magic requires a quiet, strong, focused mind. If I were you, I would first of all try some cleansing baths, and then focus on gaining a stronger emotional/mental base to work from. Practice meditation, practice breathing, find some clarity and composure, and when you do…

    “I have had a lot of success in magick and my jobs and other kinds of defense magick works extrordinarly well, but not at work it seems.”
    That totally sounds like you are aiming your weapons at the wrong targets. I would take a step back, and calmly reevaluate every factor in play, maybe try to divine the most effective targets or petition your spirit allies for insights on this matter. Chances are you are missing some important strategical point. And while I am willing to entertain the possibility that you are indeed getting screwed, following Jason’s and Dogma’s advice might nevertheless prove very useful. Both things can be true at the same time.


    OK, lets assume that you have absolutely nothing at all that you can change about your role in this and that it is 100% other people passing over you:

    Use the Glyphs I described or a similar technique to try and get the recognition and promotion you want. You can also do a week of Jupiter invocations. Many people have reported success with the short invocations from Advanced Planetary Magic where you do the call of whatever day it is in the hour of Jupiter. So for instance on Monday at the hour of Jupiter you would do Jupiter of Luna, Tuesday mars of Jupiter and so on.

    If that doesnt work, then shift strategy to finding a new place of employment that is better for you. Angels work great for this in my experience.

    Is that doesn’t work because you are in a terrible economy as Stone Dog indicates you might be, then shift gears again into either looking to start a business OR moving to a better economy. Or even better – both. Geo-arbitrage is your friend.

    Point being this: throwing more magic at the same scenario without changing facts on the groumd RARELY works, and when it does it rarely sticks. Make the change and enchant for that.

Elinor Prędota

Hi, Inominandum.

I’m here from a recommendation by Fabeku Fatunmise. Good to meet you; you have some super smart stuff to say here.

Managing energy, boundaries and respect — all basic, essential items for magic and for life, that so few people seem to get.

I’ll be adding you to my reading list.


Andrew Watt

One of the most beneficial things I’ve done over the years was to experiment with a variety of systems for making To-Do lists and tasks lists and project management. You’re always going to have to manage money, and you’re always going to have to manage projects, and you’re always going to have to plan your time.

Increasingly I’m storing my library in digital form — Evernote, DropBox, Kindle, PDF. It’s like having a Library of Alexandria in your pocket. Mint or similar applications are great for overall budgeting. But Calendar, To Do lists, and day-to-day financial journaling (e.g., “$2.50 +$1 tip, 7:30 am, Klekolo“), I tend to do on paper. It’s ephemeral in one sense, but permanent in another — and it’s QUICK. I don’t have to wait for my calendar program to load, I just flip open the notebook. I use a square-grid Moleskine notebook, which I index by coloring in squares along the edges — some for month of year, and some for themes (such as ‘magic/divination records’, ‘school projects’, ‘outside club projects’, and so on.) The notebooks go into a tote bin when I’m done, so I have a more or less permanent record of what I was doing and roughly when.

    Norene Childs

    I love paper and pens – writing “plants” my intention.


A few tips to the person not getting promoted. Forget about Jason’s input on this. He has a system and an approach that works in some ways and fails in others. He’s not Jesus with a miracle cure. He’s just a guy with a product. Use the tools and when they don’t work, find other tools. Complaining and trying to wrangle Jason into thinking like “not Jason” is not productive. He doesn’t answer emails? Good, now you know that’s what he does. Move on to the next thing. You think he criticizes harshly? Then stop asking for input. Move on to something else.

So in that sense and in that sense only, I agree that you lack insight. Look for solutions from different angles. Quit slamming your head against a wall.

Best of luck.


    Did I try to sell him a product?

    Also, I didnt criticize at all. I don’t know the man. Its very simple, in almost every situation you have a part, and other have a part – you have WAY more control over your part than others parts.


      My “product” comment refers to the fact that you are a self-employed person. You sell books, classes, talismans a system of magic and so forth. This is not meant to be a derogatory remark.

      I bought several of your products and never did I expect you to solve my problems. Either it works for me or it doesn’t. Some of it did, some of it didn’t.

      As for criticism, I don’t know if you did or not. But even going on the premise that you did, so what? Cybermage can just move on.

Norene Childs

In response to the original post, I first learned of local spirits in The Sorcerer’s Secrets and I immediately started doing regular offerings. After that, even when there are no specific issues that needs tending, for instance, I’ve been given small “gifts” or information appears when I need it. There’s a definite difference in my life.

John Stein

Peeeeeerhaps this is a bit off topic considering the Flame War but…whats the advantage of not using an ATM card and favoring cash for purchases? I’ve always found it more convenient for tracking purchases and keeping a tight accounting.

    Christine Opland

    Hi Jay. I sure wish your method worked for me. At the end of last month, I decided that I need to work with cash in order to keep myself in line. You see, if it isn’t cash, it ends up not being real to me, and I appear to believe that I can have whatever I want as long as no cash changes hands.
    I’ve decided that next time a withdraw my entire month’s budget at once I’m going to set it on my finance altar before I start spending it on the necessities I have to restrict myself to.


    There’s a flame war?


I am somewhat surprised that no one has mentioned the power of expectation vs intention, if one persists in a mindset that “nothing ever works for me” then indeed it will not and your intention to manifest anything will be well…. buggered before it’s started or at very least go awry. Cybermage, start smaller, I am in no doubt you have a negative attitude towards your workplace, because well who wouldn’t in your shoes, that said I would concentrate on working magic in areas that you are already reasonably happy with, in short, make better that which is already going well, its a much easier place to come from, then via the new confidence that you have and thus improved attitude towards to workplace that should develop a better magical vibe towards the areas that trouble you the most, too often we attack problems with magic from the top down and a negative place, rather than trying to build a solid more positive foundation from which to grow.

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