Strategic Sorcery Oklahoma Relief Drive

Tomorrow is Saga Dawa, the day that Tibetan Buddhists celebrate the birth of the Buddha.  It is said that the merit of all actions are multiplied one million times this month. Given this auspicious date, and the recent Tornado in Oklahoma, it seems a good time to announce the following. From tomorrow, May 25th, through  June 8th, […]

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In Memory of the Nativity of Kenneth Grant

Today is Kenneth Grant’s birthday. His work, and the work of those that were inspired by him deeply effected my early career in magic. My copy of Nightside of Eden along with Linda Falorio’s Shadow Tarot and Mishlen Linden’s Typhonian Terratomas proved to be an incredibly potent combination. I count those explorations among the most […]

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Fictional Characters, Gods, and Spiirts

The fiction vs real god/spirit thing stirs up and rages on again. Go to Jacks blog here, as well as the next several posts he makes. His thoughts on this are golden and you can follow his links to see the rest of the debate in other forums and blogs. This time it is a much […]

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Today is not just Mercuries day because it is Wednesday  It is Mercuralia, the sacred feast! At at his hour which falls on his day of the week, which falls on his day of the year you can raise a glass to the god of intelligence, speed, speech, commerce, and of course thievery! “Glorious Mercury, grandson of […]

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Just a quick note on business. I am getting completely caught up and if you live in the US and are expecting something from me, you should get it by Monday the 13th. If you do not get it, please write me and I will make sure you get it by the end of the […]

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Cycle 13 has begun. If you did not get an e-mail with Lesson Zero and the Walpurgisnacht Meditation in it, but have signed up for Lesson 13, contact me and I will straighten it out. EGO EIMAI SYMPLANOS HYMIN ASTER KAI EK TOU BATHOUS ANALAMPON Jason

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7 Rules for Sane Eclecticism

Last week I was sponsored by the Tri-College Mellon Working Group on Magic to give two lectures. The first on The Place of Magic was held at Swarthmore College and was only to professors and guests of the group. In attendance was Yvonne Chireau author of Black Magic: African American Religion and Conjuring Tradition, Eoghan Ballard […]

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One week before the start of Cycle 13.

Just one week before the beginning of CYCLE 13 of STRATEGIC SORCERY TRAINING COURSE It starts on May 1st. Sign up before then to participate in the Walpurgisnacht and May 1st meditations. Write me at inominandum@gmail.com with the words STRATEGIC SORCERY COURSE in the subject line.

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Strategic Info Consumption

I am one of those people who listen to NPR on the way to work every day. I check several news sites every day. During election cycles I am jacked in to cable news TV shows, talk radio, and polls. When major news events happen, I am one of those people that feels the need […]

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CYCLE 13 of STRATEGIC SORCERY TRAINING STARTS ON MAY 1st I am very excited to be announcing cycle 13 of the Strategic Sorcery Course which will begin on Beltane, May 1st. The course consists of 52 lessons arriving by e-mail every Tuesday morning for a year. In addition to this there is a student’s forum, […]

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