Mythology Matters

Hermetic and Kabbalistic correspondences can a very effective tool for mis-understanding everything. One of the dangers of thinking of gods and spirits in these terms is that we can loose sight of their fullness and only see the aspect that we are working with. I have written about this many times before, often bringing up the […]

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The Usefulness of Doubt

A lot of books on magic place a great emphasis on belief. Rock solid belief in magic, we are sometimes told, is the main ingredient in successful sorcery. If we believe it is so, we can make it so. In Chaos magic theory this was taken even further where belief was treated as a force […]

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Integration of Meditation and Magic

One of my teachings that people can find most vexing is my insistence on meditation as a cornerstone of the path. It can seem counter-intuitive to people that are magically minded. Meditation asks you to sit still, magic often asks you to move around and make potent gestures and signs. Meditation asks for silence, magic […]

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I Want The Knife…Please.

I was asked the other day by a dharma brother why I no longer hang out in Buddhist circles. In fact, most of the people I am closest to don’t. The reason is that while there are a sizable amount of people who get into Tibetan Buddhism from a magic/occult angle, most people approach from […]

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In all the fuss getting the apprenticeship program together, I forgot all about the Equinox and the spring sale I had planned! Spring is a time of resurrection and renewal. I myself have been re-evaluating and changing my daily and weekly practices to fit my current needs, something I try to do every quarter or […]

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We are spirits

So there are a number of posts floating around about Why Evocation is important. Here is Aaron Leitch. Mike C. The commonality among them is an assertion that magic works through the agency of spirits and that any assertion otherwise is modern and incorrect. I agree that the evocation of spirits is important in magic, […]

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Strategic Sorcery Apprenticeship Program

I learned magic mostly from mentors. People that knew who I was, worked with me one on one, and took into account my interests, schedule, and personality. As happy as I am with the Strategic Sorcery Course and the amazing success reports that I keep getting from students who take it, I have been hungry […]

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Quantify Your Skillz

Last night I gave a talk at Rutgers. It was a small talk, which enabled me to quickly abandon the lecture format and start talking to people one on one. It turned into more of a group coaching session than anything else, brainstorming side businesses for everyone there. As RO kindly noted on his blog, […]

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Zeus on the loose – for love

So because Zeus did me a total solid yesterday, than completely doubled that today, he has been on my mind and tongue. Talking with a reader today that has been trying to meet girls and date girls, but who has been striking out with Venus talismans. I suggest that perhaps he might give Zeus a […]

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Field Report: Attack Magic

When I wrote the Strategic Sorcery Course I really struggled with whether or not to include a chapter on purely offensive magic. People usually fall into one of two camps on this issue, both of which I think are deeply mistaken. One the one hand you have the people who feel that any kind of […]

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