Blood Sacrifice

A month or so ago I wrote about offerings. Shortly thereafter Christopher Bradford and I had a good discussion about Blood Sacrifice and where people go wrong with it. I don’t practice it, but I have attended ceremonies where it is done, such as the Pujas at Dakshin Kali. I was going to do a post about it, but got sidetracked. I was reminded when Jake posted the following advice on FB:

I’ve said it before and will say it here. While I don’t practice animal sacrifice, if it is to be done at all by ‘Western occultists’.it should be learned about from someone within a Living Tradition which does it with respect and compassion.
Obviously that would involve not being a white supremacist dickhead trying to be an edgy LHP magician.” – Jake Stratton Kent

I have seen a few conversations here and there about how any serious magician should “not be afraid” of blood sacrifice and that it is a “transgressive and blasphemous act” that seals your deal with the dark and fluffy ones.

Here’s my two cents: It’s no more transgressive to kill an animal for ritual than it is for your hamburger. If anything it should be less anonymous and more mindful and compassionate. If it has built up in your head as some kind of ultimate blasphemy then you shouldn’t be doing it. If you don’t have the experience to do it quickly and right, you shouldn’t be doing it.

If you kill a chicken for dinner a few nights a week, its not going to strike you as particularly transgressive to kill one for a spell or as an offering. If it does, then you are doing it wrong.

“But Jason, there are some spells and rituals that historically call for cruel and painful sacrifices. What about those?

Yes, in fact there are such spells. Drowning Cats in the PGM and throwing Pigs onto a bonfire with gunpowder strapped to them for a particular Petro Loa that will not be named. These spells and rituals do exist.


Just because something is traditional does not mean it is good, just, or acceptable. But this post isn’t aimed at people doing traditional things in a living religion. It’s aimed at those who would make a mockery of such traditions by getting off on it as some dark and terrible act.

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Christopher Lung

This “I have seen a few conversations here and there about how any serious magician should “not be afraid” of blood sacrifice and that it is a “transgressive and blasphemous act” that seals your deal with the dark and fluffy ones.”

has made my day. The Dark and Fluffy ones. YAS! I can think of SOOOO many people that this applies too.


Anything to add about the use of one’s own blood? (Obviously without killing.)

Ivy Bromius

I think some magicians find sacrifice transgressive because they fear death. But when you move past fearing death* then you realize that sacrifice of one thing to another is a part of the cycle, as it is every time we eat or breathe and when our bodies die and are fed on. When you have the opportunity to perform a sacrifice, whether it causes death or is simply attached to a death that was already going to happen, you see that it’s a sacred and beautiful and conscious act.

* For the record, I don’t fear death as much as some, but I do still fear death. I fear the death of those I love because I would miss them and my own death because they would miss me — I’m tied to my life in that way. But dying itself doesn’t feel scary.


Whoa! Gunpowder,Pig,Bonfire …HOLYSHIT!!!!!!!!


What about blood sacrifice as in drops of your blood OR a woman’s menses?

Any thoughts you would share?


I am not a “magician”, but have performed several blood sacrifices; offering the spirit of the sacrificed animal to the Gods and feast with them having said animal as the main course. Some of these rituals (Blót) have been private, some I have opened my doors to those who wish to experience this tradition. I have had guests attend of many different faiths, all were accepting and understanding of what was going on. The animals sacrificed I raised myself to ensure they were treated with respect and dignity. There have been a few who strongly protested my actions as they were eating their hamburger from McDonald’s. They are unable to understand the animals I slaughter are treated far more humanely all the way to the end than any animal slaughtered by commercial “farm factories” that supply places like McDonald’s. These same people also condone hunting as a sport. There is no sport in taking a life, regardless of the life taken.


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