Greetings Strategerati! Even though I run classes ranging from 4 to 7 months, somehow they all lined up to end this month. So below I have set out the timeline of all my deep dive classes with their start dates. Before I get to that though, I wanted to remind you that Strategic Sorcery, Level Up!, and Take […]
Continue readingThis piece was the first thing I put up on the Mighty Network. Now that I am ditching that platform, I wanted to make sure it got on to the blog. Seems timely again. I really despise knee-jerk reactions. Thats really the only way I can describe the kind of bandwagon thinking that people […]
Continue readingThis morning my daughter asked me to run though learning the Minor Arcana with her. I taught her how to read with the Trumps a few months ago, and seemed content to stick with that for a while, but this morning, she decided to continue further. I said “What a perfect day to ask!” This […]
Continue readingI have argued before and will argue again, that magic works more mechanistically than people think. People will do magic to get a job and wind up with a job that they hate, yet think that somehow they have to take the job or keep the job because “The spirits know I need it” or […]
Continue readingOne of the Chapters in Douglas Couplans novel Generation X is titled “Adventure Without Risk Is Disneyland“. It is a phrase that has stuck with me. Amusement Parks are designed to give thrills that approximate the excitement of life and death experiences with none of the risk (unless, like me, you were at Action Park in the […]
Continue readingThose who have taken my Sorcery of Hekate Course know that there is a commitment to recite the main mantra 100X a day every day. This doesn’t take long and it doesn’t have to be anywhere special. Do it on the toilet for all I care. Just do it. Why do we do it? […]
Continue readingThere was a week in 1993 that I spent every other day in Copenhagen. Why every other day? Because thats the kind of decision that 20 year olds make when they are running out of money for hostels but have an active Eurail pass. During this very fractured and too short foray into Scandanavia I […]
Continue readingSt. Expedite witness of Faith to the point of martyrdom, in exercise of Good, you make tomorrow today. You live in the fast time of the last minute, always projecting yourself toward the future. I have not called upon you in a long time, because you have aided me in making a life that doesn’t […]
Continue readingWe humans often use whatever metaphors we have on hand to explain the ineffable realities of spirit. The Ancients used mountains, lakes, and lightning,metaphors for what they perceived of spirit. Later we used towers, fields, and libraries, in our explanations. In the 1800’s, as electricity, and magnetism, and radio began to shape society, we started to […]
Continue readingApril 1st, 2021 As trust in nation states and fiat currencies erode, more people are turning to Blockchain to secure their financial future because there is mathematical certainty of who owns what, how much they own, and when they bought it. That’s money, but what about your SOUL? What happens to it when you die? Are […]
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