
Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

Jupiter and Saturn

Its Yule, the Winter Solstice! Its the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn! Its the movement from Air Sign to Earth Sign! It’s the Christmas Star! It’s….. possibly too cloudy to actually see any of this. Just remember to tip your astrologer. They are working overtime this week. If my treatment of this momentous occasion that […]

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10 Days Until Sorcery of Hekate Begins

The Sorcery of Hekate is the only course I run where I don’t publish a class list ahead of time. Some think this is to generate an air or secrecy around the course, but its not – the names of the individual classes would simply not help you understand what happens in the course, and […]

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The Self Made Sorcerer?

My wife bought me a mug for Christmas last year. It’s big enough for two Aeropress shots, and has the words “Self Made” on it, so I love it. All my life I have heard about “Self Made Men”, and how that is a thing to shoot for. I am certainly honored that my wife […]

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I got an interesting student letter last week. It was a complaint really. Here it is: “Everything you teach is about making life better for yourself or for the people you know. This focus on the individual seems privileged, selfish, and small to me. What do you have for those of us trying to save […]

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Finding Assets In Liabilities

Here in the states its Thanksgiving week, a time that we are to reflect and be thankful for what we have. The reality of 2020 is that a lot of people, too damn many people, have a lot less to be thankful for this year than last. For some, this is just a continuation of […]

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Oh R’lyeh?

When it comes to fiction and magic I avoid it like the plague. Fiction does not equal myth front. I have even gone so far as to ban discussion of fiction based magic in my groups. Lovecraftian stuff is actually one of the FEW exceptions to this rule. Not because its great fiction, but because […]

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Opus Caementicum  

Halloween was Two Days Ago – I hope you got your Witch On! All Saints was Yesterday – I hope you reflected on those you find inspiring and holy. Today is All Souls, or the Day of the Dead – I hope you remember the ancestors and those you have lost. Tomorrow is Election Day – I don’t […]

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Sorcery of Hekate 3

Hekate 3 – Going Beyond and Becoming It’s finally happening. We are starting on November 9th going for 7 months. You already know the deal… Lesson one week, Q&A the next. Are you ready to jump back in? Just one thing to keep in mind: this class may not be offered every seven months. I suspect that I will […]

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Hekate Global Rite: Oct 31st through Nov 3rd.

11 Years Ago On Halloween 2009 I started the first cycle of the Strategic Sorcery Course, and since then over 4000 people have taken the course and benefited from an approach to magic that makes real and lasting changes in their lives. To acknowledge the role Hekate played on this work, and to give all our students […]

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On Retiring “UPG”

I had a conversation earlier this week with BJ Swain about all manner of things Occult. One of the topics we covered is UPG – Unverified Personal Gnosis. He used it, not to be dismissive but as a phrase that basically encompasses all magical experience. and I mentioned that I hate the term. Whether you […]

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