I got an interesting student letter last week. It was a complaint really. Here it is:

“Everything you teach is about making life better for yourself or for the people you know. This focus on the individual seems privileged, selfish, and small to me. What do you have for those of us trying to save the species? Financial Sorcery and Love Magic is not going to mean much if fascists take over the Government or the Planet ceases to support human life. What can magic do for those of us that think beyond our own needs?”

The answer is straightforward. The student is right, Strategic Sorcery IS in fact designed to empower your individual life and the people you encounter in it. It is a catalyst for your work. By “work” I don’t mean your job, I mean your life output.

So let me throw it back on you. What are you doing with your individual life that is saving the species? What groups are you a leader in that are tackling homelessness and hunger? What legislation are you lobbying for? What offices are you running for?  If this is what your life is oriented towards, than Strategic Sorcery will be a catalyst and empowerment for it. If this is your work, then having magic in your pocket IS saving the world. If this is how you spend your day, you have met the people whose hearts and minds must be won over or coerced into doing the right thing. If this is the case then it follows that anything that boosts your influence, resources, and power is helping make that change for the world.

If you aren’t than it won’t.

But honestly, joining a ritual to save the planet is not going to do that either. 3, 30, or even 300 people doing a ritual to “end
poverty” doesn’t actually do much. Its like trying to lift a Buick with a toothpick. It can feel amazing that you are channeling energy towards something so noble and large, but in the end the only person that benefits is you.

When I lived in Nepal I woke up every morning and went to an outdoor soup kitchen to help lift the giant pot where the rice and dahl were being made. It was right across the street from a monastery where dozens of monks prayed and visualized compassionate activities for all sentient beings. They never came across the street to the soup kitchen though. Me? I prefer to do both. I make plans and take actions to get what I want to see done done, and I back it up with magic.

In the end it doesn’t matter if you are saving the planet, fighting for human rights, or boosting your own business. The sorcery is the same. Groups are grammatical fictions. Its ALL individual.