
Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

Field Report Friday: HOMELESS TO 6 FIGURES

In Strategic Sorcery we used to have a weekly thing called Field Report Friday where folks would post their successes, failures, or anything in between so that we can inspire each other with magic that works, troubleshoot magic that didn’t work, and optimize magic that worked just OK.  A friend reminded me how helpful this […]

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The Testament of Solomon Recension C

The Testament of Solomon is one of the earliest documents recounting magic attributed to Solomon.  It dates between the 1st and 5th centuries CE – the same era as the Greek Magical Papyri. It is THEE major source of Solomonic Magic, the first to list a catalogue of Demons, bound by Solomon’s ring and seal, […]

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The Black School of St Cyprian

Registration now Open. Classes Begin on February 5th 2019 The first article I ever wrote about St Cyprian was back in 2007. I wrote it to fulfill a pact with him, one that sparked a series of teachings that have spanned the last 11 years and which I now feel ready to share with you […]

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Advice about Advice

It is new years day and you have probably been inundated with lists of advice for the new year. I posted my own advice just a few days ago, but I have one more bit of advice – it relates to how you process advice generally. With a very few exceptions there is no good […]

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6 Tips for a Strategic and Sorcerous New Year

2018 is coming to a close and even though it is nothing more than a flip of a calendar page – somehow we can’t help but give it meaning. More meaning than it probably should have. I just read Charli Cohen’s excellent piece “Why You’re Supposed to Hate Yourself in January” which punches back at […]

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Helpless Ghosts – Yuletide Musings #1

Dickens A Christmas Carol plays a big role this time of year at our house. This will be the third year that we see the play as a family at the McCarter Theater, and the first year where the kids partially read the book to us rather than us read it to them. It goes without […]

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How to Work a Workbook in 2019

What do Mastering Witchcraft, The Four Hour Work Week, Modern Magick, I Will Teach You To Be Rich, and Liber Null and Psychonaut all have in common? They are all workbooks that I have worked through step by step, and which drastically helped transform my life. As we approach New Years a lot of people […]

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Sorcery of Hekate Began Today!

I want to thank the record number of people who signed up for Sorcery of Hekate this cycle. I continued to be awed by the faith you put in me, and pray that I live up to it. If you signed up, you should have Lesson 1 in your inbox and an invitation to the […]

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