
Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

Field Report: Steady Work and Debt Free

I got this field report from a Student today and wanted to share it. While this may seem like instant magic, I want to mention that the Financial Sorcery methods he mentions include mundane as well as magical work. On both of these fronts the work is, well, work. I have no patience for those who claim […]

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The Rooms You Get Stuck In.

  “That’s what life is. It’s a series of rooms and who we get stuck in those rooms with adds up to what our lives are.” Its a good point and something to consider about magic. During Rufus’s interview with Jake Stratton Kent they had a short discussion of the training that they brought to […]

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What People Are Saying About The Sorcery Of Hekate…

“This is so incredibly complex and beautiful and just so….BEYOND!!!“ -K.S. “Enter it with eyes wide open and with sincerity of heart… that is all. You will be transformed physically, emotionally and mentally.” -V.S. “Radical insights from a totally new perspective. The transmissions are nothing I have seen elsewhere, and the direct involvement and connection with […]

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Today in the French town of Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, the statue of Saint Sara-la-Kali, dressed in seven latyers of gowns, will be brought from her shrine by Roma men on white horses and bathed in the ocean. This event will be attended by hundreds of Catholics and is particularly important to the Roma people. Readerss will take crystals and even cards […]

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Enlightenment is Progress, not Perfection.

Was walking on the boardwalk this weekend and came across this nugget as I looked down. I snapped this picture because its an important lesson for magic, mysticism, and the Strategic Sorcery approach specifically. It also happened to be the answer to a question a student posed to me this weekend: WHAT IS ENLIGHTENMENT? What is […]

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SORCERY OF HEKATE – 7 Month Course.

If you follow my work chances are you already know about a vision of Hekate that I received in Nepal during my Tantric training in 2000. When I came back to the States I began a relationship with the Far Beyond One that has lasted 16 years. She began to transmit a system of Sorcery to […]

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7 Rules Regarding Tradition vs Ingenuity

In the last post we spoke about the need and roll for tools. So now is probably a good time to talk about WHAT those tools should or can be. There is a debate between strict traditionalism vs modern ingenuity not only as far as tools, but in magic in general. As usual, I do not […]

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Transcending Tools? More Like Misunderstanding Them.

Every now and then I meet someone who claims that they have transcended the need for tools or any link to traditional methods. Transcending Tools? More like misunderstanding them. That’s like transcending the need for a car or a plane because you can walk to main street. On the one hand walking is free and healthier […]

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