Lots going on behind the scenes at Strategic Sorcery these days, one of which is a website re-design at strategicsorcery.net. The Holiest Percher offered the following words about the Strategic Sorcery Course… “I live in a different world. I am a different person” “Four years ago, I started Strategic Sorcery and made an investment in my […]
Continue readingWhen it comes to magic, Gordon White and I have a lot in common: A focus on enchanting in stages towards a goal. A money-positive look at spirituality and magic. Emphasis on probability assessment in finding the “points of transmutation”. A love of Saint Sorcery No problem invoking Lucifer the day after we invoked a […]
Continue readingJust a couple weeks ago someone wrote me the following: “Hey man, you used to offer incredible talismans for sale on your blog but I haven’t seen one for like a year. Your Gator Hand helped me launch a new product line.” I have been making talismans, but students have been buying them up before they get posted […]
Continue readingJust in case you getting in now: some of my students asked me to comment on the statements Gordon makes about Jupiter in Chaos Protocols. Rather than just keep it in-house I made a blog post out of it. Gordon replied in short order and…. We’re on! I agree with Gordon on a lot. I […]
Continue readingA few days before the Super Tuesday Primary I posted a three card reading on the outcome of the Democratic Primary. The first card was the Emperor, which I interpreted as representing Bernie Sanders. People went bananas! “How could you possibly see Sanders in the Emperor Card”?” He is an activist!” “A protestor!” “A man of […]
Continue readingSTRATEGIC SORCERY BLOG HOP Previous / Master / Next Did your spell fail? Did the demon not accomplish its task? Did the Hoodoo that you do, not know who to do the Hoodoo to? It might be bad or missing links. Links to people, places, or just to the material world are essential to sorcery, and […]
Continue readingGordon White was kind enough to pause his string of interviewing geniuses, luminaries, and scholars, and talk some smack with yours truly. Go give a listen…
Continue readingI am happy to once again be hosting the Juno Global Prosperity Rote on May 1st. Of all the rites the Strategic Sorcery community did last year, this was the stand-out that launched bunch of new businesses and projects that yielded significant returns. The rites are open to anyone in the Strategic Sorcery Course. So […]
Continue readingOver the last few months I have gotten some questions about how to explain Magic to people that are not Occultists, so I thought it might be useful to share some of the rules that I live by. Here then are 7 rules that I live by when talking about magic with muggles. Stop using the word […]
Continue readingPresenting the first guest post on Strategic Sorcery, from Fiona Benjamin of Modern Fortune Teller fame. I built my business using both mundane and spiritual means, with the guidance of Financial Sorcery by Jason Miller. Starting a small online business is absolutely terrifying, especially if you have zero background in business or entrepreneurship. When I took […]
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