Gordon White was kind enough to pause his string of interviewing geniuses, luminaries, and scholars, and talk some smack with yours truly. Go give a listen…
Continue readingI am happy to once again be hosting the Juno Global Prosperity Rote on May 1st. Of all the rites the Strategic Sorcery community did last year, this was the stand-out that launched bunch of new businesses and projects that yielded significant returns. The rites are open to anyone in the Strategic Sorcery Course. So […]
Continue readingOver the last few months I have gotten some questions about how to explain Magic to people that are not Occultists, so I thought it might be useful to share some of the rules that I live by. Here then are 7 rules that I live by when talking about magic with muggles. Stop using the word […]
Continue readingPresenting the first guest post on Strategic Sorcery, from Fiona Benjamin of Modern Fortune Teller fame. I built my business using both mundane and spiritual means, with the guidance of Financial Sorcery by Jason Miller. Starting a small online business is absolutely terrifying, especially if you have zero background in business or entrepreneurship. When I took […]
Continue readingGordon White is all up in your business. First he published the groundbreaking “StarShips” through Scarlet Imprint, and now he releases Chaos Protocols through Llewellyn. This act alone should send a clear message to those who have had their noses in the air about judging books and their authors based solely on who publishes them. […]
Continue readingQUIMBONER noun A reaction caused by reading Nicholaj Frisvold’s books or going to the Wolf and Goat website that causes people to want to use the pontos, put iron tridents on their altar, and paint everything black and red, but have no intention of actually pursuing so much as a consulta to find out who their […]
Continue readingSo yesterday the topic of meditation came up. This, as most of you know is something that I recommend highly and talk about in every book and course I have written. Clearly I value it highly, but is it necessary for magic? The first problem we have in answering this is that the word meditation is an English […]
Continue readingEvery now and then I talk to someone in the course that tells me they are getting nowhere and their life is not changing at all from Strategic Sorcery or magic in general. When this happens I ask what specifically they have been doing. What methods have you employed? What offerings are you making? What […]
Continue readingTalking about Morning routines on the Strategic Sorcery list and thought I might share mine. I would love to hear yours too, so share details in the comments. 6:30am Wake up to wife leaving for work and kids waking up. Sit up in bed sound syllable “A” and slip into Rigpa. May or may not […]
Continue readingA month or so ago I wrote about offerings. Shortly thereafter Christopher Bradford and I had a good discussion about Blood Sacrifice and where people go wrong with it. I don’t practice it, but I have attended ceremonies where it is done, such as the Pujas at Dakshin Kali. I was going to do a […]
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