“This is a great depiction of my mind before and after Jason Miller’s Take Back Your Mind course. The before’s me, struggling up the mountain, with my mind all scrambled, just like the one on the head of the guy climbing up that mountain. And the after is me, sitting sitting zen-like and calm, with […]
Continue readingI was chatting with an apprentice at the beginning of the season about the whole Jesus thing. He felt this attraction to esoteric Christian work, but strangely balked at the name Jesus. He liked the Logos, the word of god and divine spark. It was suitably Cosmic in his mind to be divine. He could deal […]
Continue readingI recorded an AMA for Occult Corpus Forum this afternoon. If you want to hear me blather for 80+ minutes about magic, this is RIGHT UP YOUR ALLEY. Topics include: Eastern vs Western Magic Why to have a mentor and how to work with one. How I fit daily practice into a busy day Why I read […]
Continue readingOne of the great gifts of being a teacher is that you get to learn from your students. This is especially useful when your students take your teachings and find new framing to express them. In the Strategic Sorcery group students are always cheering and challenging each other. Yesterday Student A.M. threw down the glove in […]
Continue readingTake Back Your Mind is kicking off the first week of January and there are only 21 spaces left. One of the students from the last course told me this week that they felt more like a Jedi after taking the course. Like Yoda raising the X-Wing out of the swamps – the size of […]
Continue readingAs we approach the HEKATE/HELIOS GLOBAL SUCCESS RITE at the end of the year, I like to make people aware of the course and all it offers. Rather than just hear me prattle on about it, I like to get input from my students, and thankfully they seem enthusiastic about helping market the course. This time I asked […]
Continue reading“This was the hardest, but best thing I have ever done” – T.S., Student of TBYM 2015 The project I started in 2015 that I am most proud of is my six month TAKE BACK YOUR MIND training course. It just wrapped up last week, and I am very excited to offer it again so […]
Continue readingNew Years is upon us now, and it is time once again for a Hekate-Helios Global Success Rite. Of all the global rites I have offered, none have been as successful for people as the Hekate-Helios combo. There a lot of Strategic Sorcery Success Stories that start with this rite as the first step. Hekate […]
Continue readingWe all know never to ask the Genie to “make me a ham sandwich”, but every so often even experienced sorcerers fall victim to vaguely worded spells and get a result that is technically what we asked for, but quite far from our intent. It has happened to me. It has happened to Rufus Opus. […]
Continue readingA Student asked recently about working with Demons. After working primarily with Angels, Planets, and his own mind, he had been feeling a call towards working with demons and wanted some feedback. 1. The term DEMON is completely unhelpful and I will be changing the lesson on Grimoire Spirits at some point in the future […]
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