Going For What You Feel You Don’t Deserve

One of the great gifts of being a teacher is that you get to learn from your students. This is especially useful when your students take your teachings and find new framing to express them. In the Strategic Sorcery group students are always cheering and challenging each other. Yesterday Student A.M. threw down the glove in a way that struck me as particularly useful, and I wanted to share it here on the blog so that others can pick it up and do it.

Its a very simple idea, and here is A.M. expressing it in his own words:

I’ve got a christmas challenge I’d like to set – conjure something that you want, but think you don’t deserve. Maybe it’s a raise that you think you haven’t worked for, or the attention of someone special that you think is out of your league, or just some fun or pretty gift you’d like to give yourself.

This has been a pretty powerful mental short-circuit trick for me – a lot of the time I get distracted by thoughts of whether or not I’ve ‘earned’ (in mundane or spiritual terms) the result that I’m summoning. Doing this every once in a while helps me remember that it doesn’t really matter who ‘deserves’ success or not. What matters is whether or not we make it happen for ourselves.

Those of you that have taken the course or read Financial Sorcery know about Set Point theory already – what better way to shift that point than by doing this?

The degree to which people who are ostensibly dedicated to causing change in strange and subtle ways are often trapped by ideas of what they do and don’t deserve has always amazed me.

Fuck what you deserve or don’t deserve: just go get it because you want it.

Don’t come up with some faux cosmic “it is my true will” justification; go for it just because you want it.

Don’t invent some reason you “need” it. Just do it because you want it.

If there is some kind of karmic-rewards point system that monitors what shit people get based on their actions, trust that it is FAR too complicated for your slightly evolved monkey brain to figure out, and assume that if you want it, it’s ok to go for it.

If you are concerned about God or Gods having a destiny for you, than let them worry about that. Assume that your desire for a car with third row seating is in fact part of that plan.

I am NOT saying to just do whatever you want and screw the consequences. That’s a whole other ball of wax. I am not suggesting you screw people over, swindle your neighbors, or in any way act rampage through the world less ethically than you normally would.

I am also not saying to drain your bank account of crap you can’t afford. This is not about treating yourself because you deserve it.

It is about blaspheming against the idea that you do or don’t deserve anything.


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Ivy Bromius

So glad you shared this to a wider audience. Because when I saw this, I immediately thought it was genius. Tonight is the longest night, and I will be doing work to cast away the old and light new flames for the coming year. I’ll build those fires up until the Christmas full moon and then release them (and follow up all through the next week while the year closes and the new one starts). And this year, I’m going to be asking for what I want and need, no excuses, no justification.


Yes. Very much yes.


I like this because in my view “I want to/it” is one of the few valid reasons to do or acquire anything. I often ask myself or my friends why we are doing something and most of the time it’s for someone else’s sake or reasons, not my own.

William Jones

Fantastic focus for the new year ahead. Long Night is already yielding fruit.

Lori H.

I’ve come to realize that there is no rhyme or reason as to why some people get everything and others nothing. It might be karma or the luck of the draw, but I am through explaining to the Universe why I deserve to have what I want. After all, if they didn’t want me to have it, they wouldn’t have given me the desire in the first place. My new motto is: Whatever I want is okay. No explanation necessary.


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