On Halloween 2009 I started the first cycle of the Strategic Sorcery Course, and since then over 1250 people have taken the course and benefited from an approach to magic that makes real and lasting changes in their lives. I am very excited to be announcing the next Cycle of the Strategic Sorcery Course which […]
Continue readingLast night I agreed to do some heavy Saturn work for a client. It is for a good cause and not aimed at hurting anyone, but Saturnian none-the-less. Woke up this morning to a vision of me wearing a black triangle with the Strategic Sorcery Saturn Seal in silver letters in the center. I am […]
Continue readingAnother Crucible has come and gone and though it was a smaller affair this year than the last few, this year stands out as one of my favorite in recent memory. As to the size: Hurricane Joaquin was threatening NJ so a lot of people I am sure cancelled their travel plans. NJ Pagan Pride […]
Continue readingIt has now been revealed to the world that Pope Francis met with Kim Davis. People are of course losing their freaking minds over this. Liberals feel betrayed, haters feel vindicated, and people are thrown into a tizzy as they now choose whether to feel completely and totally good about the Pope or completely totally bad about the Pope. […]
Continue readingI spoke with this student yesterday and when he told me the success he was having following the principals laid out in Financial Sorcery, I begged him to write it up as a field report. Sadly there are still some people who ignore every piece of advice I give except for the magic bits, completely missing […]
Continue readingSaturday was the feast of St Cyprian and St Justina. That night he asked that I take him out from the shrine room and install him at the center point of the course for the night with a candle and water glass, which I did. The three cards I drew this morning were Magician, Popess, […]
Continue readingIts just two weeks to Crucible have you registered yet? Have you gotten your room? Now is the time! I will be giving a workshop called PROCCULTISM. Its all about the intersection of magic and money and magic for money. If you are working in the field, interested in starting, or just want to hear […]
Continue readingToday is the feast of St Cyprian of Carthage. The tomorrow begins the period of nine days leading up to the feast of St Cyprian of Antioch on September 26th. As every year, I encourage the Strategerati to do the a Novena to St Cyprian. Two years ago I wrote a Sorcerer’s Prayer for this occasion that you […]
Continue readingThe Day of Conjure and Cunning Craft has past, the Old World met the New. It was, in a word, awesome. Five speakers all with different approaches to necromancy and the black arts. First up was Stephen Grasso… Stephen spoke about his necromantic experiments in the boneyards of London. Every tale was not only entertaining, […]
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