Crowley defined magic as “the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with will.” This definition has had an enormous impact, and has deeply influenced other attempts at defining magic since then. Dion Fortune clarifies “changes in consciousness”, but I think my readers already know that I think that’s only a part […]
Continue readingOne of the points that I try to convey in my course is the difference between a quality that is inherent of a correspondence that magicians use as a tool to do magic. Most things like elements and directions, or planetary hours and days, are IMO a correspondence that magicians use to do magic and […]
Continue readingSo there has been a big kurfluffel about Nick Farrells advice for young occultsists and various people critiquing it, and now lots of people issuing their own lists. Its altready overdone and my mind is on other things, but someone specifically asked me to do it because there has not been a really good blog-go-round in […]
Continue readingOne of the things I love most about Asian magical systems is that it does not position itself against technology in any way. People in the west have gone so far as to tell me they cannot light ritual candles with a lighter because they were not invented in whatever the time was that they […]
Continue readingEveryone has been logged in and the rite has gone out, but there is still time to join in. Anyone who signs up for the course between now and noon Saturday will have time to participate in the Juno Prosperity Rite. For the info on the Juno Prosperity Rite, click here For info on the Strategic […]
Continue readingI have gotten a lot of questions regarding the Juno Global Prosperity Rite this weekend. She is not a goddess you see invoked a lot and while it makes total sense to some people to do this, others have been puzzled and even frightened at the prospect. We have done several prosperity rites focusing on Jupiter […]
Continue readingThe next Cycle of the Strategic Sorcery Course begins on May 1st, but the window for the associated Global Juno Prosperity Rite will be open until Sunday, so really you have all weekend to get it together, sign up, and participate if you want. I will write more about the Global Juno Ritual soon, but for […]
Continue readingIf you have been following this blog at all you know that I spent some time in Nepal and that I hold it quite dear to my heart. There was of course a terrible earthquake there this weekend. Most people I know are safe, and there are still some that I am waiting to hear […]
Continue readingLast night I gave the second of my Arcane Audio Webinars, this one was on Advanced Financial Sorcery. During the Q and A I described a period of my life when, because of my lack of degree, my moving further from the cities, and the general decline of the economy, my day jobs were spiraling […]
Continue readingIn my last post I talked a bit about how to factor Tax into your Magical Wealth building strategy. I also hinted at advanced work that could be done using geo-arbitrage and international diversification, but did not go deeper into it. I’m still not going to cover it because it is something increasingly difficult for […]
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