
Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

Renaissance Astrology and the Global Jupiter Rite

Christopher Warnock wrote a very thoughtful piece regarding the timing of the recent Strategic Sorcery Jupiter Rite. I think that both Christopher and I are people that can hold each other in high regard without having to completely agree on every point. That said Astrology is his specialty and I want to make sure that […]

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Happy Equinoclipseupermoon!

So much stuff happening today that it is hard to even narrow it down. Oodles of New People doing the Jupiter Rite which is exciting! But whatever else you have going on, I hope it is treating you well.

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Video Review of Strategic Sorcery Andrew Martini posted very nice 19 minute long review of the Strategic Sorcery Course. BONUS: He did it from the deck of the TARDIS! Thank you Andrew!

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LGBTQIA and Sex, Sorcery, and Spirit

**************************UPDATE***************************** The review I responded to has been removed and an apology has been issued and accepted. I appreciate this, and it takes character. I am not deleting the post, because I want there never to be any confusion about where I stand on these issues again. Before my response below the original review sparked conversations […]

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I try not to have too many Global Rites one after another, and was not planning on doing any until May. Jupiter however has had other ideas. What started as a nagging thought while standing in front of Jupiters statue at the Louvre, developed into pretty heavy demand from the God to arrange this on […]

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In August 2012 I posted a piece called Be Nice – An Approach To Goetia. In that post I used an image of a T-shirt I found online and as with most bloggers, I searched for an appropriate image and tossed it up on the article. In this case the image was of a shirt produced […]

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Experience vs Noob

Discussing spirits and offerings with Christopher Bradford today and I came up with this difference between experienced people and noobs. Noobs are like “Wow, it’s really strong, might kill a child if I piss it off, and I have to feed it Johnny Walker blue every Wednesday? AWESOME! “ Experienced people are like “look, I […]

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A Financial Field Report from a student

I received the following field report this weekend from a student in the course that had been having a hard time for a few years. It goes to show that wise actions married to magic can help overcome almost any problem. First of all I want to think Jupiter for everything he has done for […]

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Are You Ever Going To Write About Magic Again?

I got this question from a friend the other day: “Dude, you are writing so much about processes and strategy and habit change that it feels like you are never gonna write about magic again? How about getting back to some straight up Sorcery?” My answer is this: if you don’t understand how this relates to […]

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