Experience vs Noob

Discussing spirits and offerings with Christopher Bradford today and I came up with this difference between experienced people and noobs.

Noobs are like “Wow, it’s really strong, might kill a child if I piss it off, and I have to feed it Johnny Walker blue every Wednesday? AWESOME! “

Experienced people are like “look, I have enough high maintenance spirits in my life – if you want to hang out then cool, but otherwise I am good…”

There is a lesson there about maintaining a manageable spiritual court.

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Bill "Nemo"

Heh. I was very much like that for some time. It took me awhile to get past the fear of screwing up when it comes to offerings. I was certain I would wind up pissing off one spirit because I was working with another at the same time, too.

    Real Rick

    ” I was certain I would wind up pissing off one spirit because I was working with another at the same time, too.

    My feelings exactly. Last night I was in a Bare-eye astronomy, whisky drinking, spirit offering session at my backyard. Luna, Jupiter, Sirio and Venus shining over me. I love Luna-Hecate-Selene, honor Jupiter, I’m curiuos about Sirius and have some request that want to make to venusian powers. Like a good Noob that I am, I was very insecure of how do the offerings.

    About how to run my spiritual court, I think of it as my personal Justice League of Spirits. I would like all of them to work together with a sound strategy to accomplish my goals.


Funny to come across this. My court just filled up. 🙂

William Jones

A court, hmmm. I have imagined mine more like a Parlor or a Salon, but yes respect the Rules of the House or move on.

Christopher Lung

or as I have come to think of it, spiritual cooperative. Court just sounds so hierachichal

Catriona McDonald

I really needed to read this today, thank you…though I think I run more of a neighborhood pub than a Court!

Andrew Watt

A useful reminder. 🙂

A spirit-court should be helpful, generally… but it’s also a good idea not to let it fill up with yes-beings and flatterers, either. While there are some spirits that I go out of my way to appease, in order to encourage them not to screw things up, I tend to take my lead on this from King Cnut of England, who sat his throne on on the strand when his advisors said that even the sea obeyed him… and just kept holding court even while the high tide sloshed around his courtiers’ feet and the undertow threatened to drag them into the ocean. What I mean, of course, is that I tend to let the great and powerful spirits do what they do normally, and I don’t seek to push them around or command them… and when a spirit says this or that thing should be done or else, I have a tendency to let things happen as they will, and see if the tide comes in as it should, or if the spirit has cooked up a nasty surprise instead.

I find, often, that the tide behaves normally.


Do you think that buddhas, mahavidyas, etc count as members of one’s spiritual court?


HA! Hahahahaha


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